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Country Norway
Signed Up December 28, 2012
Last Posted April 29, 2024 at 8:47 AM
Posts 153 (0 per day)
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#6 rahThread: Supplying the TF2 broadcasting demand in TF2 General Discussion

DavidTheWin did some ingame observer practice streams ahead of i58 i think. (It was the i series lan that he was moved to head producer because Dashner could not enter UK). I remember watching parts of it and it was very interesting. Don't know if there are any vods.

posted about 2 years ago
#27 The Top 10 Fragmovies of All Time in Videos

No name 3 by Sin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKhVsQPIgr4
A fragvid only featuring only badlands frags. A nice showcase of exeptional skill, and exeptional beefing. The vid is removed from the original chanel.

Numlocked vol 1 and vol 2 by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl4Rcltok-8 Mirelin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3UyH-cvWV8 2 frag(?) vids of 4 time ETF2L demoman of the season winner not being able to kill 7 time ETF2L medic of the season.

posted about 2 years ago
#413 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

Last time F1 had a better race around Paul Ricard was 1990.

posted about 2 years ago
#11 if you dont like ducks you are dumb and lame in Off Topic

I am dissapointed that you did not call it a Rahpproval

posted about 2 years ago
#35 Petition To Ban Cheaters From Posting On TFTV in TF2 General Discussion

One thing is keeping cheaters away from the forums. But you can get banned for other things than cheating. If you fail to upload demos when requested twice you will get banned from ETF2L for a week. Someone got banned from RGL for casting the same match as RGL official cast. I dont think any of these things should ban people from posting on TFTV.

A couple of years ago some players from the bin got banned from ETF2L for tweets. There was quite a big post about it on TFTV. The players that was banned posted apologised in the TFTV post. I think it is good that these players got the chance to post on TFTV. TFTV was the main place where the topic was talked about. If they were banned from posting on TFTV because of the ETF2L ban, most people reading or talking about their ban would not be able to hear them admit that what they did was wrong.

posted about 2 years ago
#112 ban iron bomber and market gardener for s39 in TF2 General Discussion

All ways i can think of to one shot a medic with ETF2L 6v6 whitelist:
This is if the medic does not use the Vita-Saw.

Things that can one shot with mini crits:
Direct hit any range
Normal Rockets in melee range
Dragos Fury
Ullapool Caber
A single sticky.
Sniper bodyshot (Hitmans Heatmaker, The Classic and The huntsman can all one shot a medic with minicrits)

Things that can give you mini crits:
Fan O'War
Buff Banner

Things that can be used to gain normal crits
Market Gardner
Killing Gloves of Boxing
Frontier Justice
Sniper headshots

Things that can one shot a medic without crits or mini crits:
Mantreads (Because pyro only has 175 hp Thermal Thruster can't get enough speed on tr_walkway to one shot a medic)
Multiple Stickies
Sniper bodyshots for the stock sniper rifle and the Bazaar Bargain

posted about 3 years ago
#69 ban iron bomber and market gardener for s39 in TF2 General Discussion

Items have been removed from the whitelist becuase they are bugged. I think the Gas Passer is removed because sometimes you can throw it through some walls. I would argue that because of the bhop that the Market gardener is bugged and should be removed from the whitelist. Technically the bug is with the games movement and not the weapon, but since the only weapon that is affected is the Market Gardener i think it is reasonable to remove it from the whitelist. I think the main problem is that there is no way for the enemy to know if the bhop is done correctly or misstimed by one tick.

Edit: The bhop bug also affects if you take minicrits from direct hit, so remove the direct hit as well.

posted about 3 years ago
#18 What are your favorite garbage weapons to use? in TF2 General Discussion
pirateit is really funny to kill a person with the equalizer when you have 50 health left


posted about 3 years ago
#28 Is it legal to have 2 people play as 1 player in TF2 General Discussion

After reading the "A person who takes part in a game or sport" again new questions arrive. Casters and production takes part in the game. Does that make them players? How much DPM does a caster need to be a player? Do referees or admins count as players. How far do we have to go? Does server provider count as a player? Does the factory worker that makes the hardware the servers run on count as a player? They all take part in the game to a certain extent.

posted about 3 years ago
#22 Is it legal to have 2 people play as 1 player in TF2 General Discussion
More words

According to Oxford Dictionary a player is defined as

Oxford DictionaryA person who takes part in a game or sport

So if we can agree that TF2 is a game or sport, the only thing left do define is person. Oxford dictionary can help here too, where person is defined as:

Oxford DictionaryA human as an individual.

So by this definition 2 people can't count as one player

posted about 3 years ago
#13 Is it legal to have 2 people play as 1 player in TF2 General Discussion

I think it is against ETF2L rules. https://etf2l.org/general-rules-2/#2.4

Getting around

ETF2L general rules 2.4 Every player is limited to only one ETF2L account at any time.

is easy aslong as one of the players do not have a personal ETF2L account.

However the only way i can think about getting around

ETF2L general rules 2.4 sharing one account between multiple players is not allowed.

is if the player(s) are conjoined twins where one has control of the left arm and another has control of the right arm.

posted about 3 years ago
#52 The least serious democall ever, part 3 in Videos

Xbow airshot https://www.dropbox.com/s/fyghkknm851r322/69000-Dr_Spamoman-XbowAirshot.dem?dl=0
please spell my name like ingame username and not file name if you use it.

posted about 3 years ago
#2 Community Contributor Appreciation Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Without Sal i don't think we would have american teams at i46. i46 made the footprint for international TF2. How would international LANs and orgs be without Sal? Shoutout to Sal.

Lange for production for production at I49 and years of TOTH.

DavidTheWin for killing it on production at i58. The fact that he became executive producer just days before the event, and it went that well is mighty impressive.

TrukTruk for starting Stream Highlight on youtube with legendary clips like "Jason I cannot breath this air" and "DAAAAAAAAAAAAVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE_AAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCC" and TOTH.

Beater for feeding my hunger for fragvids.

posted about 3 years ago
#33 aoshi steps down in TF2 General Discussion

Thank you Aoshi for making your Fresh Meat frag vid. It brings back good memories.

posted about 3 years ago
#344 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic
dempseydempseyPuttting my money on mazepin either crashing with or holding up another driver under blue flags within 3 races
does spinning and ruining a bunch of drivers quali laps count?

Why guess 3 races when you can guess 3 corners?

posted about 3 years ago
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