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Signed Up April 3, 2024
Last Posted May 15, 2024 at 10:36 AM
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#26 best frag movies? in TF2 General Discussion


posted 1 month ago
#6 Croissant thought in TF2 General Discussion

chocolate croissants are amazing, which is surprising since I'd think that bread and chocolate don't really work well together

posted 1 month ago
#30 RGL: Reiterating AC Policies in TF2 General Discussion
brodymy assumption is that an invasive anti cheat isn’t feasible for both technical and non technical reason

Why's that? CS Faceit has that type of anti-cheat and while it isn't perfect it works a lot better than vac and is much faster & easier than reviewing demos. I personally wouldn't mind something like that being implemented and don't see an issue with it.

posted 1 month ago
#21 ban the lochnload next szn in TF2 General Discussion
scratchhit should STILL be the market gardener. that shit sucks to play against. No primary 6s class should have a free instant kill left click weapon especially a class with as much mobility as soldier.

a bit of a derailment of the thread but why do people see an issue with the mg? 195 dmg is a lot and oneshots ppl in 6s most of the time but you'd need to hit a melee midair for it, otherwise you do 0/65 dmg and are right in front of the enemy's face with a melee weapon out. Most of the time I feel like its just better to hit them with a more consistent 90-100 dmg rocket and be able to follow up with a splash rocket assuming they don't surf the first shot, not to mention the utility you're missing out with the escape plan. I am open so maybe I just haven't seen it being used very well, but is it really oppressive enough to warrant a ban?

posted 1 month ago
#43 cp_sultry (5cp) in Map Discussion

love this map
t. roamer

posted 1 month ago
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