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Signed Up December 21, 2020
Last Posted May 29, 2024 at 9:12 PM
Posts 458 (0.4 per day)
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#58 MiG-21bis LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

posted 2 months ago
#87 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

I think we should kill people

posted 2 months ago
#6 Did tf2 ever get you into trouble in TF2 General Discussion

when i first started playing tf2 when I was in like 3rd grade I invited my friend over and showed him how to play. I was on my moms laptop and he was on my brothers PC. I ended up 1v1ing him on Hightower and airblasted him off the cliff repeatedly he got mad at me and punched me because he was mad so I punched him back then we started fighting and it ended because I bit him and my mom yelled at me :(

posted 2 months ago
#1 RGL 6s S14 Advanced Playoffs: #6 SuperZAZA Bomb vs. #8 THE GOBLIN ZONE in Events


posted 2 months ago
#1 RGL 6s S14 Advanced: XIAO vs. Grantus Vincere in Events

math loses
bane wins

posted 3 months ago
#32 Whats ur sens in TF2 General Discussion


posted 3 months ago
#6 the scariest stories of tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

Once upon a time, in the dark corners of the internet, there existed a mysterious and unsettling phenomenon known as "The Pootis Man." This creepy tale began circulating among gamers who stumbled upon a peculiar server in the depths of Team Fortress 2.

Legend had it that the server appeared only at the stroke of midnight, and those brave enough to join would witness the bizarre and eerie presence of the Pootis Man. Rumors spoke of a player with an uncanny resemblance to the Heavy class, but something was off about him. His movements were glitchy, and his character model seemed distorted, with an unsettling grin permanently etched on his face.

Players who encountered the Pootis Man reported strange occurrences during their gameplay. The once-lively and colorful world of Team Fortress 2 morphed into a nightmarish realm. The ambient sounds were replaced by distorted versions of the Heavy's famous "Pootis" catchphrase, echoing through the virtual landscape like a haunting melody.

As the legend grew, whispers of real-life consequences began to surface. Players claimed to hear the distant sound of "Pootis" echoing in their minds long after they logged out. Some reported strange happenings in their homes, attributing the phenomena to the cursed encounter with the Pootis Man.

One particular tale stood out among the chilling stories. A player named Alex decided to investigate the legend of the Pootis Man and streamed his midnight gameplay on a popular platform. As the clock struck twelve, the server materialized, and the Pootis Man made his presence known.

The stream's chat exploded with messages of disbelief and fear as Alex explored the twisted game world. The distorted Heavy relentlessly pursued him, seemingly breaking the boundaries of the game itself. Alex's character began glitching uncontrollably, and the eerie "Pootis" chant grew louder with every passing moment.

Suddenly, the stream abruptly cut off, leaving viewers in shock. Alex's channel disappeared from the platform, and he was never heard from again. The only evidence remaining was a chilling recording of the distorted "Pootis" chant, haunting anyone who dared to listen.

To this day, the legend of the Pootis Man persists in hushed conversations among gamers. Some say the cursed server still appears at midnight, waiting for unsuspecting players to join and become entangled in the unsettling web of glitches and the haunting "Pootis" chant. The Pootis Man remains an enigma, a digital specter lurking in the shadows of the gaming world, ready to ensnare those who dare to seek him out.

posted 3 months ago
#13240 stream highlights in Videos

posted 3 months ago
#11 smoothie thread in Off Topic

I had a mocha peanut butter smoothie from the place I work at a couple days ago with peanut butter cold brew vanilla protein powder cashew milk cocoa and agave nectar
it was awesome and lovely

posted 3 months ago
#40 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
brodyno one understands the elegant impact of the 220dpm pocket soldier

if you watched the vod you would also take in the fact that young man was very tired so he prolly would have done 300-350 if he got the proper rest

posted 3 months ago
#41 S14 players I like and dont like in TF2 General Discussion
HubertTheFishsale_boat do you like my name?


posted 4 months ago
#11 S14 players I like and dont like in TF2 General Discussion

I dont know how but I am 2/39 on my star sign preds

posted 4 months ago
#1 S14 players I like and dont like in TF2 General Discussion

this is only based on rgl name
I will also estimate their star sign

Taylor | Virgo
starka | Capricorn
illya | Taurus
nikola tesla pro wrestla | Gemini
sniplax | Libra
miskyworks | Libra
_S | Aries
earl | Taurus
monkey | Taurus
tomato tom | Sagittarius
yosh | Pisces
arcadia | Aries
JEFF | Virgo
Waldo | Gemini
marquis | cancer
Wild_rumpus | Scorpio
Dinky.Hotchkiss |Aquarius
kjr | Capricorn
bane | Aries (I love you)
Skull | Cancer
Plaidinum | Sagittarius
dbk | Gemini
reverie | Libra
Tec | Scorpio
Grape Juice | Leo
Shamoo | Leo
hannah | Libra
noh mercy | Capricorn
peniferous Pisces
pauldogg | Aquarius
exile | Virgo
b4nny | Cancer
gungon | Taurus
logan | Aries
kjkoud | Pices
habib | Aries
jimmy | Cancer
fancyson | Libra
ybt | Scorpio
raygun | Gemini
weeb_whacker | Taurus
apathy | Virgo
deadlyseed_ | Pisces
kuhnockers | Virgo
shiga | Cancer
yuice | Aquarius
yosh1 | Pices
claps | Sagittarius
-mojo | Leo
gn92 | Sagittarius
sandblast | Sclrpio
marmaloo | Aries
donovin | Virgo
nechro | Pisces
loafe | Aries
deimos | Libra
alfredodan | Taurus
nurfu | Scorpio
slugmundo | Capricorn
kev | Aquarius
tripbwai | Libra
glimmer | Capricorn
AvrilLavigneFan95 | Leo
Pinaepple | Cancer
Krispy Kreme 2012 | Aries
Scream | Aquarius
guyehhh | Capricorn
wonder | Scorpio
brick | Libra
scumbag steve | Cancer
darty | Gemini
wbacon | Libra
golden | Pisces
cadet | Virgo
ziaa | Libra
tristen | Aquarius
ally | Sagittarius
crazy | Aries

Tacocat | Libra
Rapscallion | Scorpio
denisavich | Capricorn
maxx | Virgo
Doiku | Aquarius
Nomad | Libra
mobe | Capricorn
Taiko | Scorpio
LikeAsir | Sagittarius
Draco | Pisces
crackbabydumpster | Taurus
Cronjington Magoo | Leo
cibo | Aries
Rikachu | Gemini
Pen14 | Cancer
math | Sagittarius
raven | Capricorn
Macron | Leo
Slicerogue | Virgo
Fireball | Cancer
Holly | Pisces
dogdayboy | Scorpio
M17 | Gemini
b0nes | Aries
Michealpc1 | Leo
Scratch | Capricorn
quacks | Cancer
Moixxoi | Virgo
hubida | Pisces
saxophone | Libra
Arekk | Taurus
joshhh | Scorpio
Divine | Aquarius
Jayytee | Leo
Kore4n | Taurus
averted | Sagittarius
Yi-ge | Scorpio
sakura | Aries
manacute | Taurus
Mirrorman | Gemini
junifromspykids | Capricorn
jay | Leo
phorofor | Gemini
dinko | Aquarius
bigbank | Virgo
catface | Sagittarius
Meyy | Aquarius
scouty | Leo
GMK | Scorpio
Alexandros | Libra
mopsy | Pisces
Vio | Cancer
frisbee | Gemini
ghadilli | Capricorn
MiG-21bis | Scorpio
degnan | Aquarius
TheGreatMage | Scorpio
Marauder | Virgo
urmphitank | Aries

Im guessing about a 40% accuracy on the preds so lmk if Im right

posted 4 months ago
#13 hey guys in The Dumpster


posted 4 months ago
#20 Jimmy/rktGOD LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

posted 4 months ago
1 2 3 4 5 ⋅⋅ 31