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SteamID64 76561198135894861
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:87814566
Country Australia
Signed Up July 22, 2015
Last Posted April 30, 2024 at 11:17 PM
Posts 720 (0.2 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 100.00
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Corsair Raptor M40 Gaming Mouse
Keyboard Corsair Gaming STRAFE Cherry MX Red
Mousepad my cappingtv tshirt
Headphones Astro A40
Monitor ASUS VG248QE 24in Widescreen
1 2 3 4 5 6 ⋅⋅ 47
#2 Stream Request in Requests


posted about a year ago
#2 name change in Requests

phobia -> buttercup

posted about a year ago
#2 Name Change in Requests


Cyann_ to heyy

posted about a year ago
#5 truth revealed in The Dumpster

why would you post this in the dumpster lol

posted about a year ago
#1 ETF2L S42 W2: The League of Shadows vs. /for fence in Matches


In the year 2022?

DuMmTm's a mad man.

posted about a year ago
#10 British Commonwealth announcement in World Events
OwenRascalNA/AU Members, this may seem irrelevant to yourselves. 

Sorry did you forget that we're part of the Commonwealth you bloody pomp??

Again, the same reason shooters weren't allowed is the same reason the Olympics (Intel World Open) only had SFV and Rocket League - the IOC doesn't like shooters cause "it goes against their values"

posted about a year ago
#48 Basketball at LAN in TF2 General Discussion

someone stream it and we'll cast it

posted about 2 years ago
#90 exodus/ang/carrot rgl ban issue in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 2 years ago
#2 name change rerequest in Requests


stop asking for name changes every 2nd month

posted about 2 years ago
#2 name change in Requests

name changed from Vagabond to Maleko

posted about 2 years ago
#2 RGL 6s Season 69 Grand Finals in The Dumpster

best series ever.

posted about 2 years ago
#48 fullerton lan photos in LAN Discussion

beccarawrski's photos are now uploaded to the TFTV Gallery for those who would like to view:

Team photos

Other/player photos

posted about 2 years ago
#8 Demo File Bloat in Q/A Help

posted about 2 years ago
#9 How to Cast Tf2 in Videos
TheFragileI personally disagree with color interrupting play-by-play with making orgasmic noises. I think it's distracting to what's going on, even if it's really exciting. In professional sports, very rarely do I see sportscasters have their color commentator interrupt play-by-play with random exclamatory noises, no matter how exciting the situation is. One thing that Valorant casters / commentators have been doing recently is gasping during tense moments, and I find it adds unnecessary noise to already great moments.

Maybe I'm being a little pedantic, but I find myself enjoying moments better without the unnecessary color interruption. Maybe I'm just really annoyed with Valorant commentary and I can't unhear the random gasping, lol.

At the very least, you shouldn't talk over the person that's already talking with your own commentary.

The thing you must realise though is that the majority of the esports audience are different, they're younger compared to the traditional sports audience and therefore the way the commentary is delivered is, less polished and more casual. It's an attempt to make commentary more exciting to the viewer, and it shows in viewership that caster duos that are more in sync together - bouncing words off each other are more likely to have a higher viewer count than those duos who don't mesh well. You are however correct that colours shouldn't interrupt play-by-plays, they're the support.

It goes back to the beginning of esports coverage, all the way back to grassroots LAN's where friends jump on together to shoutcast, and they're screaming at their friend's fat frags in excitement for them. It's not a bad thing, I guess just some people aren't well adjusted to it.

posted about 2 years ago
#106 Russia Invades Ukraine in World Events
h0b5t3rWill ETF2L follow the lead of UEFA and IIHF?

There's a difference between football and esports, some of the Russian football clubs are likely funded by Russian diplomats, a TF2 mix isn't.

posted about 2 years ago
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