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Signed Up March 26, 2022
Last Posted May 7, 2024 at 4:06 PM
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#6 RGL S9 LAN: Day 1 (R1 & SF) @ Patriot's Place Massachusetts in Events

trip benson waiss has terrorized RGL LAN by turning off the power to prevent a G6 2-0 dub in upper finals.

posted about a year ago
#2 med streamers? in TF2 General Discussion

mr slin plays high level med but only in pugs these days

also https://www.youtube.com/c/officerreekz/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtjIQuWFASZn9ghqrrLYX7Q/videos

posted about a year ago
#5 Changing the meta in Off Topic

he's already got the fists of steel that should be good enough

just walk into the enemy team no balls...

posted about a year ago
#21 working on a comp tf2 video essay, need your help! in Projects
Pinguefyyo it's done


thank you to everyone who submitted content for the outro! Sadly my first outro draft came out to be 15 minutes so I had to cut out a ton of good stuff to make it not drag on too long :c

if you have any suggestions for other things to put in the description (resources for new players) lmk

sry for the cringe clickbait, that's just how yt works haha

goes live in 2 hrs!!

https://discord.gg/ybSYAd9 - tf2cc, hosts open-level pugs for NA (if i knew other public pug servers for open players, i'd post them here too), also hosts resources for new players

excellent video regardless :DDD

posted about a year ago
#3 how do i start with comp? in TF2 General Discussion
saxophonehttps://newbie.tf/tf2-basics/ <--- havent been to this in a while so dunno if its still active, but these videos are also good as an introduction

join rgl discord and try finding a newcomer team to join (u can also just make one urself with friends that are also interested)

yeah it's still active. to add to ur answer, one can join tf2cc to regularly play pick-up games for practice once one gets a hold of the basics from newbie mixes
tf2cc pugs - https://discord.gg/ybSYAd9

posted about a year ago
#2 b4nny has gone too far...... in The Dumpster


posted about a year ago
#8 baseball in Off Topic

i only played backcatcher in freshman year in high school

it was p fun but i think i got too busy to do a 2nd year. it was p beasting though

posted about a year ago
#3 LFT IM Medic in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about a year ago
#24 RGL S9 IM/AM/NC Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#19 RGL S9 IM/AM/NC Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

go hoboleague blu!!!!!!

posted about a year ago
#35 RGL S9 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

advanced team schizos out over suspicion that the invite-tier demo review was bait for 30 minutes

what kind of tomfoolery is that LOL

posted about a year ago
#17 rahThead: Common med problems in TF2 General Discussion

as a medic i notice that a lot of meds (including myself 100%) don't respect the gamestate properly especially when they're meant to play passive and back-up due to disadvantage then get swept by the other team when they can't leave in a timely manner

posted about a year ago
#11 RGL S9 IM/AM/NC Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Good luck on your first matches IM!

posted about 2 years ago
#8 RGL Team Logos Test Rollout in TF2 General Discussion
mopsyr4ve_is there a single team in advanced that fits that description to be able to have a team logo?
goblin zone, rhdp, ag, anglerfish, estrogen took my homie, blanc should all qualify I figure. Some diff names and rosters, but all have cores that have played together for a few seasons.

cant wait for the goblin zone logo (MY FAVOURITE ADVANCED TEAM!!!)

posted about 2 years ago
#2 RGL Team Logos Test Rollout in TF2 General Discussion

A little disappointed it isn't all teams like in ESEA times, but this works.

Hoping that team descriptions return too!

posted about 2 years ago
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