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Signed Up November 18, 2012
Last Posted October 18, 2015 at 10:15 AM
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#16 Vacation? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#13 koth_pro_viaduct_rc4 in Map Discussion
FubarMr_OwlI'm sure there will be a lot of controversy over the metal sheets.yeah well all changes are always open for discussion but the feedback I had was that players felt it was quite unusual and bizarre that the explosive damage could go through. in my opinion it's a very poor and counter-intuitive design.

Agreed, it's a good change please keep it.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Top 10 TF2 plays - May 2013 in TF2 General Discussion

today is a good day

posted about 10 years ago
#19 ESA Tournament hosted by Ozone in Events


posted about 10 years ago
#12 ESA Tournament hosted by Ozone in Events

holy shit this broder vs zaibatsu game is fantastic

posted about 10 years ago
#20 Fully Charged! Europe: Episode 1 in Events


(thx bones)

posted about 10 years ago
#55 New kind of 6v6? in TF2 General Discussion
This is just making what valve wants even farther out of reach. They want more classes being played, not less classes.

Yeah ok maybe this wasnt the best thread to post my idea, but I've had it for a while and just felt like sharing it.

4 minus frags in like 2 minutes I can see it isn't well received :D

posted about 10 years ago
#53 New kind of 6v6? in TF2 General Discussion

I honestly think 4v4 CTF (2 scouts, 2 soldiers) would make for some really great action. They're the 2 fastest/most mobile classes in the game which makes getting med pickups easier (I mean look at 6v6, the scouts and roamer are meant to rely on health packs anyway) and on top of this I think CTF is the best mode to take advantage of this format as it rewards individual mobility and fast thinking the most.

Class limit of 2 on scout and soldier, all other classes banned. CTF maps.

I wanna try it.

Back on topic.

forksis there any particular reason we have to make tf2 6v6? i'd put forth the argument that say, 5v5, is more practical for tf2. First of all, it means less $$$ to send teams to lan, which is definitely a good thing because at least in the short term we're a community funded league. Anything saying one format is actually better than the other is simple theory, but wouldn't 5v5 make tf2 even more fast paced? a single pick means more, meaning teams are more willing to go off of that pick than suffer through boring stalemates. iirc 6v6 as a competitive format was decided on back in like 2007, so if we're reexamining things, why not the number of players per team?

5v5 tf2 (with a medic) actually ends up being slower paced than 6v6 as heals are more easily distributed. I have played many games where someone has DC'd early on and one guy from the other team has gone spec so we end up playing 5v5 and it is just so SLOW. 5v5 would be faster paced but only without a medic.

posted about 10 years ago
#246 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

A highlander lobby system would be an excellent addition to the game and something I, even as a 6s player, would use over joining a public server from the server browser if done properly.

posted about 11 years ago
#38 Ratz Instagib in Off Topic

So much more fun than what I was expecting, the minimalistic interface and graphics are really nice. And I actually really like the movement - no limits!

Thanks OP for the recommendation otherwise I don't think I ever would have found this.

Oh and if you ever see a guy called "Tarr" that's me :D

posted about 11 years ago
#76 Introducing: The greatest custom scoreboard ever in Customization

Does anyone know how to remove the green text that overlaps the blu team name? I assume you have to change something in tf_english.txt but I have no idea what.


Any help appreciated.

EDIT: Just spoken with Foster himself and it looks like a recent TF2 update/my HUD (which is Garm3nHUD) means you can't get rid of that text.

A quick fix is to change the ypos of "ServerTimeLeft" in ScoreBoard.res to 190 which means it looks like this:


Hope this helps anyone else who has this problem.

EDIT2: Can confirm that Phrakture's solution (see below) works, thanks!

posted about 11 years ago
#9 main calling in TF2 General Discussion

The best thing you can do is enjoy it - find a way to enjoy main calling if it doesn't come naturally to you.

If you don't enjoy it then it won't be a good long term solution as you'll get tired of it pretty quickly.

All the other stuff will come with time, practice and patience.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 TFTV i49 Fundraiser Showmatches in News

my anus was not prepared for that air to air double airshot

oh my

posted about 11 years ago
#9 i49 Seat Picking in TF2 General Discussion

EDIT: Checked my email after posting and:

Tomorrow 6PM BST, we'll be opening spots in the seat picker for Insomnia 49. If you're quick enough you and your clan should be able to claim a whole row! The seat picker can be found here. Whilst you're waiting, pick a grey spot and focus real hard on it until 6PM tomorrow when you can select it.
posted about 11 years ago
#47 What switch do you prefer? in Hardware

Have browns.

Wish I got reds.

The "tactile" bump in the browns was a nice feature when I first got my mechanical keyboard, but now I have learnt where the activation point is without needing any feedback it is kinda pointless. So I wish I got reds as, for me, the less pressure to activate the keys the better as it reduces hand fatigue during long gaming or typing sessions and it also feels like

Scholartyping on a cloud of boobs
posted about 11 years ago
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