Account Details
SteamID64 76561198029549729
SteamID3 [U:1:69284001]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:34642000
Country United States
Signed Up March 23, 2014
Last Posted May 21, 2024 at 5:49 PM
Posts 606 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1
Windows Sensitivity default
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
max_fps 0
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse G502
Keyboard Corsair K40
Mousepad pecham xxl
Headphones Sentey reds
Monitor Benq 144hz
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#10 how to remove medic bubble showing when not medic in Customization

Did u nuke steam cloud config?
Pls do save the config and upload to pastebin, I think this is pretty cool

posted about a year ago
#2 how to remove medic bubble showing when not medic in Customization

Medic radar bug? adv option? Ive never noticed a med bubble pop up off of medic before

posted about a year ago
#23 lft scout/solly season 10 in Recruitment (looking for team)
hannahCPU: Core i9-7980Xe Extreme 3,7 Ghz (Skylake-X)

the fuck? why would someone keep hurting themselves like that

posted about a year ago
#4 Is it possible to "program" configs? in Customization

idk if it matters to you but having general aliases for stuff that gets repeated a bunch cleans it up a fair bit.
alias novm "r_drawviewmodel 0;viewmodel_fov 0"
Alias vm "...."

Type of thing, if you're into making/messing around with it yourself. mostly applicable with crosshair switching and viewmodel stuff, with both having much better and accessible alternatives nowadays. Just food for thought I suppose.

posted about a year ago
#33 queen dead in Off Topic

ty whoever learned from Philip lmfao

posted about a year ago
#7 YARN lfp med in Recruitment (looking for players) collab?

posted about a year ago
#5 YARN lfp med in Recruitment (looking for players)

someone put them up to it. who put them up to it?

posted about a year ago
#2 FREE BEAV! By stark old 2012 unreleased fragmovie in Videos

u sure this is from 2012?
deadass though this is pretty fucking good and def wouldve stood the test of time....

posted about a year ago
#2364 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

gonna be honest, it took a bit more time and digging than id like to admit to learn that the customize menu was a dropdown.

posted about a year ago
#13 tf2 look comp players alikes in TF2 General Discussion
Brimstonegirl b4nny if you know you know

our age is showing

posted about a year ago
#55 How I made TF2 run beautifully in Hardware

8 months late and no clue if its still relavent, but what he is doing is setting the monitor refreshrate to 120 (more than likely 119.something, which is why he says it) and using Rivatuner (RTSS) to cap fps to (119.something - 0.01). Adaptive sync/gsync will not when manually setting monitor refreshrate, which is why gsync disappears from the control panel list. Capping fps to right at the monitors refresh rate removes excess frames which is what causes (most) of the input lag people talk about when using vsync. Large Vertical Total stuff, I can't make heads or tails of it just glancing through. GLHF if you take it on. Hopefully that helps anyone else that stumbles into this thread
Bought a 32in' g7 like 6-7 months ago, had a 10900k w/ 3070ti w/ default gsync enabled and it worked like a charm, nothing much more to be wanted. now back down to a i5 6600 w/ 1060 6gb driving the same monitor lmao.

monitor rate set to 144hz, ULMB enabled, mat_vsync 1 (this actually matters), in Nvidia control panel i have low latency mode set to ULTRA and vsync set to FAST. Vsync on in game is required to benefit from using rtss, vsync fast in control panel alone seems to do nothing. BUT vsync fast vs on/"use application setting" makes a difference.

If you're just gaming buy a dell s2522hg or something around that area, this upgrade didn't make sense and still doesnt
IMO not going past 250$ budget wise until qd-oled/miniled/the cool new shit starts really coming out and in sensible sizes. if youre an arizona and interested in buying some tech msg me on steam ;) (not u elijah)

posted about a year ago
#3 Xenon 2 by Kimo in Videos

I'd love to see a dev commentary with xenon 2, as you did with the first. Love the motion tracking on the ammo and the transitions.

posted about a year ago
#534 tftv safe space (no harassment plz) in Off Topic

cringe warning + spurred cause of the AGE and TF2 thread

Show Content
: a while ago i accidentally started chatting with the kid of someone i used to play with bout a decade ago, using the old acc thatd been offline for like 2 years. it was interesting knowing who the kid was talking about, telling how the dad used to play with friends. ended up playing a few rounds w the kid, sniper still had the team colored brown bomber and strange huntsman we scrounged up (elementary!) lunch money + spare ref for. we thought we were a slick bunch for managing to get it all together and name/desc'd in a week when we found that kid was being born. the servers been dead since new years eve 2012, out of like 12-15 of us most stopped playing/interacting in the skype chat within the year. at some point it was just me and 1 other dude occasionally chatting/gaming til i found out he sent his bike through a fence leaving a party in 2017.

actual vent: it almost rubs me raw when i hear/see people who are able to just get out cold turkey and are able to do the whole livin life shindig. 100% i was addicted to the whole dopamine chase of tf2/digging giant fucking holes in minecraft, for... years at best, this whole past fucking decade at worst. like i did the sports (comp swim for 7 years total, managed to get into states weighing @ (fat) 248lb and showed up with "varsity" team @ 300 lmfaooo) i did piano, i had the opportunity to do college with a bit of $cholarship, worked for the past 5 years, long term (ex)gf, good friends online and irl! I went did shit i never thought id dream of going out and doing when i was in almost the same situation, with some of these same people in 2015! I parted out +sold my pc and for like 2 maybe 3 months at that point 0 pc/mobile games. Didn't even interact with any discords all too often till july rolled (lowkey proud of that pun ifykyk) around. I thought I'd be able to be productive, fix my truck, help my dad fix up the house, finally start doing ghetto fab/metal work again, all the cool shit I'd see people leave to do and did what I wanted to do. I even started really looking into mitigating (vs just knowing effects) adhd shit/not being dumb af and was (at some point) excited to put it to use. And i started lifting like 2 months before i sold the pc!
There was a day where i clocked fucking 22 hours 13 minutes of screen time on my phone. the next day? fucking 20ish hours, albeit there was like 7-8 hours of driving and just having podcasts on for that one. I'm pretty sure the only reason the previous day didnt clock 24 is cause i fell asleep for the 6ish hours before i needed to do that drive. most devastatingly crushing 3 months ive dealt with. near the middle-end of july i got poked and prodded by the group to play minecraft and surprisingly it handled aight on my laptop, couldnt move/use the trackpad at the same time however so i just settled for staring at these other gremlins while they played and would say "the watcher sees (player actions)" while standing in the trees or on ontop of a house. Also ran a bit where my wireless earbuds would hear me laughing and giggling like a dumbass but i would refuse to speak in vc, only responding in game (and ofc flaming/annoying the homies ingame).

dopamine addiction/withdrawl/fucking whatever had me by the balls and i hadnt given it the slightest thought about it til i realized what i did was the funniest thing ive ever done in my life, and arguably the best day ive had in a year and some change. Its been like 2 months and i still think i peaked comedy wise, and its still the best day in hindsight. but its a bit sobering to realize why i hold it with such high regard. At least with alcohol you feel the hard check when youre gagging again and almost having to fight taking a drink only a couple beers in, even with pacing it.

idk i was malding earlier and its been 2 hours since i started typing this out. if anyone feels me on this or sees a similarity or whatever, just do what makes you happy man. whos to say I cant look at my truck for 10 minutes and just tidy up some cracked vacuum tubes thatve been sitting aside for 3 years and call that good and head out to a car show to sell stuff with my buddy, its my fucking truck and thats more action the engine bays seen than it has seen in a long time. Mad your server wont boot because HP made the shitass p410i RAID controller and iLO3 is being a pain? drink a beer and just hang out bookmarking stuff that might be useful. it aint getting fixed now and doesnt need to be up soon so take your time and learn about it a bit more. stay yourself, fake it when you need it. masks can be taken off but being miserable is something that sticks to you.

put away some shit in the garage and mowed the lawn.
Noticed that i actually had another (real) post on this page, for continuity i sold my pc pretty much 2 weeks after that post. I'm pretty sure the hit stims in game and irl post was after I did a bump and was playing out of my mind at like 3am PST on EU servers in a cod styled game called Ironsight lmfao

posted about a year ago
#10 Age and TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

tf2 is mechanically complex enough to entice, not physically demanding/time consuming enough to push away is the answer ive been told by oldheads.

that being said i think its less to do with tf2 itself and just... happenstance? you happen to have the ability to grind something out for a fair amount of time and it just so happened to be this game, this community thats been around figuratively forever. you dont play comp without being competitive in some nature, and that team environment of 6+ people trying to actively grind/better/whatever gatekeeps most people who'll drop the game when school starts up or work schedule changes or whatever. like fucking carnage came back and basically it was a rotating door of talking to people in pugs or steam and just "fuck i have to play carnage" that whole season, even if the rust was showing after the initial few weeks.

posted about a year ago
#2 How to you get people to pay RGL fees? in TF2 General Discussion

the type that uses all 4 rockets in a bomb

posted about a year ago
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