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Signed Up August 15, 2020
Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 3:45 PM
Posts 186 (0.1 per day)
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#9 Overwatch 2 on Steam 8/10 in Other Games

It's really bad in overwatch. Recently a guy playing in OWL got exposed for grooming a 16 y/o and apparently the team management knew about it for 6+ months

posted 10 months ago
#48 Announcing the GGL Advanced Playoffs in TF2 General Discussion

This isn’t the first instance of camp3r being unable to communicate with players in a professional manner. Through my own experiences as well as those of other players, there have been countless instances where he has left passive aggressive comments on open tickets, resulting in other admins having to step in to resolve the issue and provide adequate assistance.

Being unable to professionally handle issues only hurts the already strained relationship between the players and RGL. There are even examples of him banning players on Uncletopia, another community he volunteers for, for simply playing well. There are comments on this video from multiple players who all say they experienced something similar. While these claims can't be proven, it is concerning to see so many similar complaints regarding a single admin.

It’s understandable that he sometimes allows his emotions get the better of him (we are all human), however it is not a desirable characteristic of a competent admin. This is not to say that being the head admin is an easy thing to do; the obvious amount of work he has put into RGL is appreciated, but emotional posts lashing out at players with valid concerns doesn't fix anything. Forum posts are the only way players can voice concerns - telling everyone that they should have volunteered to join the staff team instead of "complaining" is not a relevant solution to the current problems. Times like these provide a golden opportunity for RGL to foster a better relationship between it and its players, and should not be treated as a fire that need to be tamed.

posted 10 months ago
#69 Cheater bans should be permanent in TF2 General Discussion

bro he killed 27 soldiers. Not saying he's not cheating but cmon man


posted 11 months ago
#4 TF2 lag in TF2 General Discussion

It's possible that TF2 is just using ur on-chip graphics instead of ur 1660ti since u basically have 2 GPU's on ur laptop

posted about a year ago
#7 LFP pocket soldier invite quals in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted about a year ago
#49 weapon-specific vtf crosshair switcher thing in Customization

For anyone who has the error message above, you can fix it by downloading VTFEdit Reloaded and using the batch converter under tools and convert the VTFs to .png, and then convert them back to VTF. Make sure that when u click on options go to the Advanced tab and make sure you use VTF 7.4 (TF2 doesn't support 7.5 and laz's crosshair switcher doesn't support versions below 7.2) and uncheck Generate Thumbnail.

posted about a year ago
#3 How do uber flashes actually work? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#9 Biggest glow up? in Off Topic
Prime-SanityChell did in my honest opinion
Went from low main to High main to Mid Adv

Only costed him 6 months of tier 4 b4nny patreon (which is $1260 USD BTW)

posted about a year ago
#14 AM4 CPU recommendations in Hardware

I upgraded from a 3600 to a 5600 and the difference is like 100-200 more fps in tf2 for me

posted about a year ago
#83 RGL S11 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#154 Team Comtress 2 in Projects


Would like to see this get implemented, if possible

posted about a year ago
#1 Divine :3 LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

soldier adv

posted about a year ago
#2 health in demos in Customization

Advanced Options > Spectator Target ID Location > Default


posted about a year ago
#31 AIMER7 aiming guides in Off Topic

Why do all the Korean's have goated gamer genetics

posted about a year ago
#43 Quake like graphics on ATI card in Customization
J_4rb1Is the regedit method still working? I tried it and it didn't work.

works for me. Just use the radeonpro method tho it's better

posted about a year ago
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