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Last Posted October 1, 2019 at 12:14 PM
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#77 Getawhale vs & i63 in TF2 General Discussion
samenzweringhe goes on to talk about teamfortresstv and essentials having a rivalry during i61 - tftv decided they were not going to produce i61, so essentials decided to do it

This isn't quite right. What happend was that the long time admins, Nymthae and Firestorm, that actually organised the lan competition, liaised with Multiplay and worked with production both "retired" at the same time. Nobody else stepped up to replace them so Wolfmachina took the opportunity, but he also used it to take control of the production.

This wasn't really announced either semi-privately or otherwise, it just leaked out slowly as a result of individual conversations effectively setting the tone for everything that has followed. TFTV never had a chance to continue production really whether there was a collective will to or not.

Obviously not everybody was happy with the way this was done, but mostly people got on with the job and judging from the viewer responses none of that really came across.

posted about 5 years ago
#22 why did most of tf2's secondary leagues die in TF2 General Discussion
SidularTFCL is smaller, and not super welcoming to new players and teams. Smaller size means no divisions, as there aren't enough teams to fill them up. This in turn creates an experience where you'll either roll, or get rolled. I've had people yell at me (like, actually yell, with their voice) because their team got rolled. I've received threats of having their team leave TFCL if we don't introduce a lower division. It's kinda a rock and hard place situation.

If you won't split divisions then use a Swiss format if you're not. Take the time to create seedings to accelerate the skill matching. It's not a panacea but it will reduce lopsided matchups. Make your season shorter if you have to.

This is a problem that's manifested itself continuously across cups and new leagues and divisions for years, and admins never solve it.

posted about 6 years ago
#98 bring back pugchamp in TF2 General Discussion
Getawhalelucrativeamazing post
this is too true, too real. everyone needs to read this imo

While I don't disagree that disengaging from commercial platforms has probably stunted opportunities, it's worth remembering that this isn't a core faceit project. This is built on the faceit api by TF2 people and as such is very much a hybrid partial diy effort along similar lines to so many other home brewed systems, but basing it off a larger commercial service's underlying resource provision.

It doesn't mean faceit have no interest, but it also doesn't mean they are particularly committed to our game in the same way the ESEA pug system might have been if it had been actively used for several years.

posted about 6 years ago
#62 bring back pugchamp in TF2 General Discussion
KikiGentlemanJonObviously nobody will do this.
Someone already has, but you aren't going to like the answer.

I don't mind the answer, more the maps, whitelists and class limits or lack thereof.

posted about 6 years ago
#60 bring back pugchamp in TF2 General Discussion
JynxiiThis is one of the ever-present problems when it comes to matchmaking systems in general for any competitive game (be it dota, league, csgo) do you sacrifice wait times for higher quality games, or do you want almost instant games with a larger skill disparity. Obviously with a much larger playerbase in games like dota, this really only effects the very top level players (dota pros complain about low ranked players on their team etc.) but in tf2 it effects all level of play.

What you want is an elastic system that adjusts skill matching criteria based on current queue population and provides closer matches when possible and looser matches when activity is low. This could possibly be based on a user preference, although that does mean that users that always prioritise quality may never be matched during low population periods if other good players are willing to play a broader range of skill.

Ideally that would be something that received real time feedback so the waiting player could see what their skill preference would actually translate into in terms of wait time. Obviously nobody will do this.

posted about 6 years ago
#69 Most underrated prem/invite players of all time. in TF2 General Discussion
Sentinel66 posts and no ryb?

Ryb isn't underrrated. Randa on the other hand never got the international recognition he deserved.

posted about 6 years ago
#90 - free server reservations in Projects
ArieIf true (which I doubt) it's kind of amazing you can scam businesses out of their money months later because you let your dumb kid use your card.

It's true, makes running ecommerce stores a pure joy.

posted about 6 years ago
#2 b4nny appreciation thread in The Dumpster

posted about 6 years ago
#229 match stats in Projects
oblaI'm the server administrator for both logs in question. Neither server runs TFTrue. Does that mean `medicstats_logbuffs 1` removes overhealing or the opposite. As of yesterday, ozfortress servers now use that cvar set to 1, while PugChamp uses '0'. I'm looking through logs to see the difference.

Typically 1 activates and 0 deactives. From the MedicStats source:

- You can disable logging buffed heals with cvar: medicstats_logbuffs 0

So medicstats_logbuffs 1 should be active

e: Although looking through the source of both I can't actually find any parts of them that output the text "overhealed" which is odd.

e2: It appears it's a LiveLogs thing, maybe that's installed on one server and not the other. I'm not sure what the buffs functions output in TFTrue and MedicStats, maybe they just mean healing events at all? Reading the code that's all they seem to output.

posted about 6 years ago
#227 match stats in Projects
oblaOverhealing clearly distinguished from healing. I can't seem to find why one has it but not the other? I looked on both servers, both utilise F2's Supplemental Stats v2 and Medic Stats

MedicStats turns it's own buff logging off if tftrue is installed to prevent them both doing it. For Tftrue the convar is

tftrue_logs_includebuffs 1

for MedicStats its

medicstats_logbuffs 1

Maybe the server admin turned off all additional logging for performance, although adding "overhealing" to a log line isn't exactly a strain

posted about 6 years ago
#225 match stats in Projects
PaulsenAfter some internal discussions with members of the ozfortress community (including the head admin) we think there is a stat missing from that can actually provide a lot of useful information: buffs.

Taken form this game this is what a tf2 log healing event looks like

L 04/04/2018 - 19:44:12: "SoLe<464><[U:1:3624870]><Blue>" triggered "healed" against "Paulsen<469><[U:1:35306962]><Blue>" (healing "24")

I'm not sure how you determine from that whether the heal event is a buff or healing from a damaged state. The logs don't give player health totals, and they also don't record all damage events (self damage, world damage, etc) so you can't reliably calculate it from context.

One possibility might be that overhealing always heals for certain amounts, but that would require some research to establish whether they were different from a normal healing event. Even if that were the case healing rates between normal max health and overhealed health probably also vary by medigun (which isn't shown by logs unless there is an uber) and the class being healed, so it's hard to reliably extrapolate a healing event as as being a buff by it's amount without adding a lot of game knowledge to the parser and making it more brittle and error prone.

I don't think it's possible without a modification to server plugins to mark healing events as being overheals or not, and they don't receive much support these days.

posted about 6 years ago
#51 Competitive Matchmaking Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Joe_Shroe...whether it be rewards for the best players in their divisions at the end of comp seasons (a special hat, skin, or cosmetic for example), an in-game Valve sponsored matchmaking tournament, or anything else that would persuade the average pubber to try competitive.

Performance related rewards would need hacking to be policed much more extensively because items turn it into a profit making activity, and Valve's track record on TF2 hackers is dreadful. Participation rates are really the only safe metric for rewards given.

However I don't think you get special rewards for playing Pass Time or Mannpower modes and I imagine they view matchmaking in a similar way. It's just another way of playing the game and they don't want to skew participation unnaturally.

posted about 6 years ago
#97 Ster talks about the TF2 casual and comp community in TF2 General Discussion
ymRaisinHe does Choose Your Own Adventure book reading streams now.

Fuck I've been missing this. Has he got onto Steve Jackson's Sorcery yet?

posted about 6 years ago
#146 TF2 Pro League in Projects
MenachemHow so? Do they somehow make more money with more clicks even though they don't serve ads? Even if that were the case, people will still have to use their site to actually get in a game.

They work on engagement with their services. works as an advertisement for every competing system and platform, which is a huge disincentive for FaceIt to use it. The only way it makes sense is if they think users are going to abandon their platform because of the lack of, which they aren't.

posted about 6 years ago
#138 TF2 Pro League in Projects
Kuferlunless they have some secret technical issues that won't allow them to run the plugin, it makes no sense not uploading logs, atleast until they got their own service running.

There is an obvious business case not to use an external service and force players to use their system.

posted about 6 years ago
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