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Signed Up December 21, 2020
Last Posted May 29, 2024 at 9:12 PM
Posts 458 (0.4 per day)
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#68 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic;

happy Thanksgiving everyone

posted 6 months ago
#10 What would be your ideal pug site/system? in TF2 General Discussion

pugs where I get alot of kills and do alot of damage and win every game and then after we play the discord uno and its close but I still win that and all my friends are there and its in person at like a ymca or smthn and they have snacks and prizes for the winners and everyone shows up when ever I go there.

posted 6 months ago
#67 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

money add then multiply

posted 6 months ago
#66 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

oct 18
sorry for not writing yesterday I was sleepy, but today I woke up around 11:00 and I took a shower, made some coffee, and did a bit of math. I had 2 classes math, english and I was supposed to go to fse but I didnt because I wanted to go to a thing for extra credit in my art class. english was weird because the room was rearanged so we could have a class discussion but it was awkward and silent because someone was examining the class room ig. math was normal and quick but after when I was supposed to go to the thing I couldnt find the room. I looked for around 20 minutes in teh building but I couldnt find it so I left. After that I went back to my dorm and did a bit more math homework because Im a bit behind on the class. I know all the info I just havent done the work, after that I ate and took a shower. before starting on my english paper. I did that and watched the rgl cast. that was a funny game to watch and I hope rgl doesnt fix it because their is more gossip with matches like that. After the cast I finished my paper and pubbed in the Government Contractor. also I finnaly moved my tf2 install onto my ssd because last time I reinstalled I put it on my hard drive and I was to lazy to fix it. during that I made some oatmeal and did some pull-ups. Ive been thinking about trying to climb everyday because Ive been giving myself rest days but on the days off I just think about climbing the whole time. I might just do like a hard climb day every other day and like a technique and strength day on the others. I went yesterday and was either flashing or doing ones I couldnt do sunday second or third try. I am very tired now so good night all and I will hopefully see you tomorrow (I dont think I would ever be able to spell tomorrow without spell check it doesnt make sense in my head)
I also switched to firefox because youtube hates ad block and it was supper easy to switch too

posted 7 months ago
#16 millie lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

chungy back in action

posted 7 months ago
#65 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

oct 16
Hi everyone very strange day today, I woke up around 8:30 and sat on my floor looking at my laptop until I had class at one getting up to do pull-ups every hour or so. I went to class and was kinda in a trance the whole day. I got back at 3 and took a nap until around 7 after the nap I sat on my floor and looked at my laptop until around 11:30 when I started my laundry and sat on my floor again. the dryer is taking forever to dry my clothes so I am still waiting for that and sitting on my floor. Ive had no thoughts and have talked to not a single person today. I will not remember today in a week which is weird. Have a good rest of the week everyone

posted 7 months ago
#64 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

oct 15
hello all pretty good day today full of fun and activities. I woke up today around 8:30 naturally which I am very excited about not playing video games until 4am has fixed my sleep schedule! I woke up to my laptop being on my bed still open so I looked at that and saw a note page open that I wrote about a dream I had in the middle of the night I don't remember writing it but it was something that happened and apparently I dreamed about a mind maze with dead rat bison soccer (real note I wrote unconscious) I got out of bed and made coffee and listened to some bosa nova. at around 9:30 I did some homework until 10:30 when the homie Brandon came over because we were going rock climbing, I invited a couple other people but they baited because they were sleepy which is understandable. I did a new very grip heavy 3-4 which was fun, I also did this weird mantel 4-5 and continued to try this hard ass holdussy 5-6 before some dude flashed it and I got sad. after climbing Brandon and I went to chipotle (I got a carnitas bowl which was very yummy) post that we went to moose jaw and I got some chalk, I decided to go with a new brand because it was like a third of the cost of friction labs and I just want something new ya know. also we went to Barnes and nobles because we were bored. I don't think Im going to get a job there because I applied online and I asked if they were hiring today and the worker said no. I saw a evangelion vinyl which I was thinking about buying before I realized it was $40. after that I went home and fell asleep on my floor listening to like 528 hz playboi carti beats and woke up to my roommates dad walking in and waking me up. I want to know what his perspective is of that because I think that would be very funny. I'm very glad he woke me up though because it was right before I had to go to my grandmas birthday dinner so I got there in time to help Mom with cooking. she made some steak fajitas which were very good and a spice cake for my grandma. I always love going home because Bowie is never not excited to see me he does a full body shake and will almost jump into my arms whenever I walk in the door. after dinner I went back to my dorm and was about to watch the magic pants stream before I realized I had a 1000 word paper due at midnight, I grinded that out and took a shower before we got to where I am now, snuggled up in bed about to sleep, good night all and enjoy the week ahead-love brodhay

posted 7 months ago
#63 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic
brodySale_boatI wish I was intoxicated at all times because I feel like I am more emotionally aware of myself and I appreciate all the great things I have in my lifeplease be careful with this, because its probably very true but also very seriously dangerous to your long-term mental existence. youre in the perfect time of your life to enjoy yourself with reckless abandon, so i dont mean to be a scold or a prude, but this is a genuinely scary thing to hear someone say in earnest

ya I was joking addiction is bad don't worry
btw you're my evil twin

posted 7 months ago
#61 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

oct 14
Hi everyone I had a pretty boring day today I woke up around 1 and did school work and cleaned my room before eating dinner at my parents, yesterday though was very fun, I woke up around 8:30 to go rock climbing, I was there for about an hour and a half before I went back to my dorm. I got back, showered and got back into my car to walk someones dog, Ive walked this dog since 6th grade and I haven't seen him in awhile so we had a fun lil reunion. post play time I went to my 2 classes and was studious. Post that I played cool math games and listened to bladee for a couple hours before going on a walk and eating dinner. After dinner I went over to my friends movie night which he host every Friday but I usually don't go. We watched the movie RRR which is one of the worst movies Ive ever seen its 3 hours long and 90% of it is filler. After that I went back to my dorm and hung out with some of my other friends who had a lil dorm party thing going on. That was chill and fun vibes to have, post that I went back to my dorm and texted all my friends that I love them because I do and I had a lot of fun conversations. I wish I was intoxicated at all times because I feel like I am more emotionally aware of myself and I appreciate all the great things I have in my life.

picture of the clean desk

posted 7 months ago
#60 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

oct 13 I am drunk and aboit to go to sleep I will let you know tmrw how today went but it was pretty fun

posted 7 months ago
#3 TF2 update for 10/13/23 in TF2 General Discussion
Valve- Removed some exploits

I hate these devs

posted 7 months ago
#59 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

oct 12
I HAD AN EXCELLENT DAY TODAY!!!! I woke up around 8:30 which is like 30 minutes before my alarm and I made some coffee and walked down the street. I got back at probably 9:15 and I looked at my computer until 10 because I had a coffee date with grandma. there's a coffee shop down in the art district and my grandma was childhood friends with the owners mom so we went there. I had a mocha with an extra Expresso shot and shared a piece of carrot cake with my grandpa. after the coffee place we went to a place called world market, I got a toblerone and another canned coffee and my grandma got some madilines and another type of cookie I forgot. After that we drove around the city and looked at houses before I got back to my dorm at around 12:00 I went inside put my stuff away and got ready to hangout with the homie Josh, I picked him up and we went to a hill by a school and we rolled a tire down the stairs. after that we went to a university hospital and walked through all the indoor bridges they had. after the hospital we went to a book store and I got a spyro gyra cd. We drove around listening to it and I took him to his mom's house to get his birthday certificate, and looked at some nice parks. I got back to my dorm at around 4:30 and visited penjamin City before eating some steak quesadillas at the dining hall. after food I pubbed, downloaded my drain playlist onto a USB and looked at my phone before my wild rumpus pugscrim. I don't remember the pugscrim it was kinda boring and I didn't play very well. After I have been watching geology videos on YouTube and laying on my floor. good night to all and have a safe Friday the 13th!

posted 7 months ago
#58 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

sorry for no real entry for the past couple days I've just been tired at night and fall asleep before I am able to write one of these, today was a bit odd. I woke up around 1:15 feeling groggy and strange. my first class is at 1 so I missed that and got out of bed at 1:50 so I didn't go to my other class today. basically a day off ^w^. I haven't been skipping many classes this semester so I am fine with missing class today because I did use that time when I wouldve been in math for a bit of makeup work. after makeup work I went for a small walk and looked at my computer before my meeting with my advisor at 5:30. my university requires academic leaders that we meet with 4 times a semester but my guy is cool and I enjoy talking to him. we talked about not getting burnt out and annoying professors. after that I ate some food and annoyed my suite mate while she did math and had a mental breakdown. After she got mad enough to quick I went back to my dorm and I was about to fall asleep on my floor before I got a knock on my door asking if I wanted to go rock climbing so I did. I think I was climbing for like 2.5 hours yesterday so I was exhausted today but I still got some progress on some harder climbs. after that j came home went to penjamin City took a 4 hour shower and I'm curled up in bed rn. good night all and have a wonderful Thursday

posted 7 months ago
#57 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

oct 10
today and yesterday was fun hung out with friends yesterday and went climbing today

posted 7 months ago
#55 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

oct 8
Hi team sorry for not posting yesterday I slept 14 hours then climbed for about 3 then ate and played hl, I think I was awake for maybe 8 hours. I woke up to day around 10 and didn't really do anything. I had a dream I was the demoman pushing snakewater last and I could only shoot stickies when I tapped my left middle finger and thumb together and my team sucked and I was really stressed out and mad at my team. (I wasn't missing though) when I got out of bed I was hella cold so I put like 2 jackets on, made some coffee, and sat on my floor thinking about what I was going to do today, eventually, my friend texted me and asked if I wanted to go thrifting and because I wasn't doing anything I said sure. I think we left around 2 and went to a bins before trying an actual thrift but it was closed, we just walked around the little shopping area by the store. For some reason, it wasn't fun. I got no fulfillment from it, I talked and enjoyed the conversation with my friend but I still felt weirdly empty. I think I need a job, so I can enjoy my weekend more Im not busy enough during the week to want to do stuff during the weekend I think. Im going to try and get a job at barnes and nobles tmrw so ilyk how that goes. Im going to bed tho so good night and enjoy your Monday tomorrow :/

posted 7 months ago
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