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Signed Up April 19, 2014
Last Posted April 24, 2024 at 3:06 PM
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#7 r/tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
bum EDIT: thanks for the gold kind stranger!!!


posted 11 months ago
#22 How many tries in Off Topic

With sound, demo on process, I rollout sewers, trap the door, and kill the enemy roamer

posted 11 months ago
#8 What do you consider your greatest success? in Off Topic

in tf2: learning that it's okay to lose, casting on tftv, overcoming my mental block to do the process rollout and soon having my 4 tftv stars

outside of tf2: i'm still alive, in decent health and with a decent job I guess

posted 11 months ago
#22 the truth. in Off Topic

what about the frenchies

posted 11 months ago
#25 [shounic]TF2 but without the sniper in TF2 General Discussion
MiG-21bisTwiggyyour argument could also apply to the engineer and with that logic you quickly remove more classes than just the sniperThe "slippery slope" fallacy just does not make sense here. Engineer is and will never be as strong as sniper is except in very specific situations and is actually counterable by other classes.

my point was more like why would the devs make what enzo called a "fast paced shooter" and then include a dude who places automated stationary guns in it?

but anyway back to the topic:
in starcraft maps are often balanced by making some terrain unbuildable.
in TF2 the original intent seemed to be to force close quarters fighting.
But what if there was an other way using vscript SecondaryAttack() to make the sniper not able to scope ? or use BleedPlayer() in combination with whatever can replace a weapon (the cozy camper) ? Both these techniques could be used to arbitrarily remove sightlines and AFAIK would not require server plugins.

posted 11 months ago
#20 [shounic]TF2 but without the sniper in TF2 General Discussion

it's allowed in hl yet very rarely used though.

EnzoDBthink about it though, someone during development, of this fast paced movement based class shooter, thought it a good idea to keep a class that has limited movement options, and can be most effective in open areas with long sightlines, which ruins the same areas where fun fights in the game can be had, and no one else thought to delete him.

your argument could also apply to the engineer and with that logic you quickly remove more classes than just the sniper

posted 11 months ago
#10 What song are u obsessed with RN in Off Topic

Swoose - Hyphae

I also approve Louis Cole very much

posted 11 months ago
#11 [shounic]TF2 but without the sniper in TF2 General Discussion
Wild_RumpusTwiggyfor me the biggest impact removing the sniper could have would be the freedom given to map makersmappers could do so much cool shit with vision and spotting but unfortunately there a class where vision = death so they just cant

there are so many weapons revolving around countering stickies or projectiles but nothing to manipulate vision :/

posted 11 months ago
#6 [shounic]TF2 but without the sniper in TF2 General Discussion

for me the biggest impact removing the sniper could have would be the freedom given to map makers

crackbabydumpsteri find it weird he said it "didn't change much" when it very clearly did change the way teamfights were being taken which seems pretty major to me. i guess he discounts it because stats remained similar and people didn't say it felt really different

looked to me like the feedback at the end pointed to players feeling freer too.

Richarrrrdthis channel is the ultimate proof that whatever you say can be as asinine as you can make it but people will listen to you and take you seriously as long as you know how to use aftereffects

"yeah in less than a hundred pub games with wildly different skill levels i have deduced that people push chokes more aggro without a class that serves to lock down chokes but nothing else really changed except for that. btw did you know that sniper has the longest kill range?" bravo

you're not wrong on the form but I found it a good opportunity to start a fun 'what if..' thread

posted 11 months ago
#1 [shounic]TF2 but without the sniper in TF2 General Discussion

Now this is a topic I would very much like to see experimented in 6s and HL.

posted 11 months ago
#11 Favorite activity/hobby besides Tf2? in Off Topic
TobI cultivate carnivorous plants

how useful are those against mosquitoes?

To answer the topic, I like to read, wrench on stuff/get new tools, and build/paint warhammer miniatures

posted 11 months ago
#17 rahThread: EU Freshmeat cup feedback in TF2 General Discussion
DCSOn the other hand I imagine there would be much less people willing to buddy / mentor a team if they couldn't participate.

that's a question worth surveying tbh. I feel like post coach kaidus, no delay streaming and tools like discord like Tob said much more people would find this fun

posted 11 months ago
#1 Entropy Subbase Invite Cup #2 - Day 1 in Events

based + would be nice to have the mapmakers on the cast or at least between the maps

posted 11 months ago
#1 Entropy Subbase Invite Cup #2 - Day 2 in Events


posted 11 months ago
#11 fov_desired in Customization

maybe Darn will come back

posted 11 months ago
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