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SteamID64 76561198085102003
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Country Estonia
Signed Up March 14, 2014
Last Posted February 1, 2023 at 6:20 PM
Posts 93 (0 per day)
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#1 Alt reduced explosion effects in TF2 General Discussion

I’ve been trying to find new explosion effects other than the classic 4 (pyro pool, sapper, 2colo, muzzle flash), that work on sv_pure servers and obviously reduce the explosions, however no luck so far.

I am going to keep digging but wanted to also pop a post here incase someone has gotten their hands on some nice alt explosion effects.

I am looking for something that reduces the effect down to like 50-30% from its original effect. I personally cant play with the classic old effects that reduce the explosions down to all most nothingness as it makes me loose 10ad and loose all feel for the rockets. I’m thinking that surely new effects have come out since the 5 years or so when the old effects were introduced.


posted about 3 years ago
#4 anyone know blaze mouse settings? in Q/A Help
YeeHawhe uses a zowie DN FK10, 3 dpi 800 ingame


What I knew is that it was 2.25

posted about 3 years ago
#7 Old Seeker crosshair in TF2 General Discussion
B or C with the TF2 ingame dot crosshair?

It's from rayshud which comes with a set of custom crosshairs, looks similar to what you want?

I tested them and they are similar but not exactly the same as they are too thin.

Tobtraced it as VTF. didn't test in-game though let me know if something's off and I'll reupload a fixed version
shadow, no shadow, normal seeker for comparison. VTF files are white ( magenta here for comparison)

tob_RaysSeeker and tob_RaysSeeker_shadow
only has the VTF, instructions for making the VMT can be found in the github root (very easy)

You Sir are a beast! This is the closest thing I have found yet, thank you for indulging my drip down memory lane.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Old Seeker crosshair in TF2 General Discussion

Ok so this is a giga long shot but does anyone have and/or knows where I could get the old seeker crosshair like in the picture?

The difference compared to the new one are the thinner wings around the dot. (Edit: maybe hard to see on the screenshot but its real)

Show Content
Props to anyone who knows original source of screen
posted about 3 years ago
#1 ETF2L S38 W1: Ora Elektro vs. Garda Panteri in Matches

Rock strat rock strat rock strat lets go!!

posted about 3 years ago
#3 con_logfile - Position not saving in jump script in TF2 General Discussion
alias savePosition1 "con_logfile cfg/position1; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition2 "con_logfile cfg/position2; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition3 "con_logfile cfg/position3; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition4 "con_logfile cfg/position4; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition5 "con_logfile cfg/position5; getpos; resetLogfile;"

Here's where the error is occuring. con_logfile must have the txt or log file extension (e.g
con_logfile cfg/test.txt
) otherwise the logfile will not be created.

Here's a future list of rules with con_logfile (source: 2018 code leak of TF2):
  • Newlines and carriage returns are not allowed.
  • Network paths (\\), Absolute Paths (:), and the parent file path character (..) are not allowed.
  • con_logfile must have the txt or log file extension.

Ty that fixed it!

posted about 3 years ago
#1 con_logfile - Position not saving in jump script in TF2 General Discussion

I am using Oatmeal's offline jumping script and the teleport/position save commands arent working.

Here is the code:

sv_cheats "1"
sv_allow_wait_command "1"
tf_weapon_criticals "0"
tf_damage_disablespread "1"
tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads "1"
mp_waitingforplayers_cancel "1"
mp_disable_respawn_times "1"

give func_regenerate
bind mouse1 "+attack; impulse 101"
alias regen "give func_regenerate; alias regenloop +loop; regenloop"
alias unregen "ent_Fire !self sethealth 200; alias regenloop null"
alias regenloop "+loop"
alias +loop "impulse 101;wait 100;-loop"
alias -loop "wait 100;regenloop"

echo "#### Regen activated ####"

//Offline Teleports
con_timestamp 0
con_logfile console.log

bind F1 gotoPosition1
bind F2 gotoPosition2
bind F3 gotoPosition3
bind F4 gotoPosition4
bind F5 gotoPosition5
bind ALT +savePosition

alias +savePosition "bind F1 savePosition1; bind F2 savePosition2; bind F3 savePosition3; bind F4 savePosition4; bind F5 savePosition5"
alias -savePosition "bind F1 gotoPosition1; bind F2 gotoPosition2; bind F3 gotoPosition3; bind F4 gotoPosition4; bind F5 gotoPosition5"
alias resetLogfile "con_logfile console.log"
alias savePosition1 "con_logfile cfg/position1; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition2 "con_logfile cfg/position2; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition3 "con_logfile cfg/position3; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition4 "con_logfile cfg/position4; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition5 "con_logfile cfg/position5; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias gotoPosition1 "exec position1.log"
alias gotoPosition2 "exec position2.log"
alias gotoPosition3 "exec position3.log"
alias gotoPosition4 "exec position4.log"
alias gotoPosition5 "exec position5.log"

echo "##### Listen server teleports loaded #####"
echo "#  Use <Alt> + <F1> to save a location   #"
echo "#  Use <F1> to teleport to that location #"
echo "#  <F1> - <F5> are available             #"

// Noclip button
bind mouse4 noclip

// Disable waiting for players and respawn times again (on demand)
alias annoyingshit "mp_waitingforplayers_cancel 1; mp_disable_respawn_times 1"
bind mouse3 annoyingshit

echo "#### Jumping script loaded #####"

Whenever I try to tp to a position I saved, I get this 'error' message in console "''position1.log' not present; not executing."

Any idea why it won't save my position and let me tp?

posted about 3 years ago

When u have 1 min an 50s of raw footage but the movie needs to be 5 min long

posted about 6 years ago

Like if u cried <3

posted about 6 years ago
#3 TF2 not fullscreen --> get black bars. in Q/A Help
AnyarDo the black bars only appear when you tab out?

If you have -dxlevel in your launch options it might make black bars appear on game launch.

Only when I tab out

posted about 6 years ago
#1 TF2 not fullscreen --> get black bars. in Q/A Help

I while ago I upgraded my computer and also got windows 10.

It was like a few days ago I changed my res from 1920x1080 to 1680x1050 and I noticed that when I tabbed out it gave me black bars on the sides of the game and nothing fixed it expect a restart to the game

I have -full/-fullscreen in my launch options and I also tried -noborders.

My GPU is Radeon AMD HD 7800.

posted about 6 years ago
#51 in Customization

Hey, maybe someone already mentioned this but the medicheck script isn't working because the command that is supposed to execute the script in class script documents are misspelt "medcheck" instead of "medicheck" so it is supposed to be "exec medicheck; orig_scout" instead of "exec medcheck; orig_scout"

posted about 7 years ago
#67 A simple custom config generator in Customization

EDIT: wrong thread

posted about 7 years ago
#73 Ban the crossbow in TF2 General Discussion
Yeah the game also used to be more fun when we had a decently sized community and you would see 10k people watching big events.. i wish we could reverse that..

LOL nope knows

Maybe noone wacthes or plays this game anymore because it has become so slow...who knows!

posted about 7 years ago
#70 Ban the crossbow in TF2 General Discussion
SetsulSolution 1: Shoot whoever the medic isn't healing.
Solution 2: Bomb the medic instead of a scout.

People saying things like "It is the way it is" or "git gud" are missing my point.

The point is that:
1.This game use to be more fun when things werent like this.
2.Reverse it

I really don't like to think so but maybe the demo nerf is the root of the problem :)

posted about 7 years ago
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