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Last Posted May 23, 2024 at 11:53 PM
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#25 RGL S15 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Prime-Sanity To garm and gunden for ghosting me just wait till the regular season start.

yeah ggs bro;

Can you please stop constantly dming me and @ing me in random servers now?

posted 1 week ago
#179 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
bearodactyljust played an hour long pug please for the love of god make these end at 30 minutes or at the very least limit the overtime

noob down #gregclub

posted 1 week ago
#1 LFP Main Pocket Scout in Recruitment (looking for players)

We are a main team looking to make playoffs and grind hard in need of a pocket scout.
Edit: We are also now mainly looking for a soldier, pocket pref but roamer works too
Message me on discord if interested: garmmm

pocket scout: goofbears
flank scout: garm
pocket soldier: ?
roamer: A2
demo: Dan
medic: Theory-Y
sub: eggzy

posted 1 month ago
#116 CastingEssentials Spectator Plugin in Projects

The command for damage numbers (ce_hitevents_enabled 1) crashes my game whenever I enable it and load a demo now, any fixes?

posted 1 month ago
#184 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

welp, I guess it's cool to know that both my scouts were cheating...

also, can we get yen banned :D

I called that shit.

I was originally gonna include him in the thread but when I watched his demos I couldn't find any strong evidence. I'm surprised rgl caught him.

posted 1 month ago
#166 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

Archaeology probably gonna say that he just sneezed here or some shit

posted 2 months ago
#63 Main Team Joint Statement #2 in TF2 General Discussion
brodygenuinely what does any of this mean? do u think tftv comments are considered as evidence in AC cases? it was literally 4 days for them to review the evidence before issuing a 4 year ban, are u stupid?. sorry the ac team didnt do exactly what u asked within 24 hours bro, will pray for u

I submitted the sampha evidence on the 5th or 6th I believe, so it was more like 20 days. I feel like that is a fine period of time for a person to get investigated and banned, especially if they aren't undeniably blatant, but people like cukei or that nc player who was dropping 95 acc every log still being unbanned is kind of ridiculous when it feels like the whole community knows they cheated beyond a reasonable doubt (at least with cukei). It just seems like its needlessly difficult to get cheaters banned, even if it really shouldn't be in many cases. Considering that cheating is pretty much the cardinal sin of any competition, it sets a bad precedent for a competitive league to have people who are widely known to have cheated go unpunished, especially when many people are paying to play in the league.

posted 2 months ago
#133 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
FuzzeWhy are we letting main players decide who is cheating now?

Noob Down.;

posted 2 months ago
#64 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
FuzzeAnother thing to add, a lot of these clips garm doesnt mention the fact that there are 5 other people in vc (weird i know) with sampha calling the position of players, example:
his demo is clearly there shooting the people in lower and even then where else would those people go after ubering into them?
FuzzeokyaaaOK you cannot sit here and defend sampha when his clips look worse than yen's do.
Clips looking weirder than another doesn't mean that that one person is cheating, everyone has sus clips that's no denial.

This video sucks and just shows a lot of bias to me, i would much rather watch a video like dippidy's on eli where he lets the clip play out then gives his thoughts afterwards instead of pausing mid clip and just saying basically "yeah it's clear this dude is cheating." Garm doesn't provide any explanations of how most of these clips could make sense, it is just "sampha is clearly walling/cheating etc."
Also Garm likes to compare himself to sampha and i hate to say this but not everyone plays the same especially in main lol

In the clip you sent I literally address the argument that his player could've called the demo dropped down. That still wouldn't explain why he's turning the corner staring at the demo through a wall. Also watching that clip back the demo had just dropped lower like less than a second before, meaning it would've had to have been called instantly and reacted to instantly.

Also saying I don’t provide explanations for how the clips could make sense and boiling everything I say down to me just saying he’s cheating/walling is just not even remotely true. I give possible explanations for a lot of the clips, I’m just not going to be extremely charitable towards a person who’s consistently having very suspicious walling moments. And calling me bias is just pure projection. You are literally on his team lmao.

posted 2 months ago
#1 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

Hello tftvers, I am making this thread to highlight 2 amazing prodigies in the RGL Main division who really deserve some credit for their amazing skills and accomplishments!

The first prodigy is Yen, a demo player for the team HAPPY. This player is really talented, look at this log where he hard diffs invite players in UGC grand finals on his off class that he had under 60 logs on:
Here is a video showing some of his amazing skills!

The other talented player is sampha on This is a soldier player who found true his class (scout) and is now nuking every game. Too bad his p-rec glitched out twice this season and he couldn’t submit demos to show the rgl team his awesome skills.
Instead I made a video to highlight his immaculate game sense and skills for the rgl admins! Sadly they haven't given him any praise yet :(

Hopefully the team over at RGL can give these next up goated players some recognition before Main playoffs starts

posted 2 months ago