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SteamID64 76561198066409475
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Country Sweden
Signed Up March 30, 2016
Last Posted March 16, 2024 at 8:19 AM
Posts 470 (0.2 per day)
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#11 RAHMIXES in Projects

sorry, can you point me to the prem discord please?

posted about 2 years ago
#9 RAHMIXES in Projects

why are these impulsive strawpolls held about banning weapons when you could just keep it according to etf2ls whitelist? 64 out of 650+ people in the discord voted in the direct hit poll and it was declared banned in less than a day after the poll was posted....


posted about 2 years ago
#44 Copenhagen Games 2022: LAN is back! in LAN Discussion

At the last copenhagen I paid the full price for rental PC and monitor and I got a different GPU and my CPU was on fire the whole LAN leaving me playing all weekend on 70fps, I never got reimbursed for it which is whatever but will there be some sort of assurance this year that the rental PCs won't vary in specs?
ps. the copenhagen rentals were twice as expensive as the i-series ones

posted about 2 years ago
#12046 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 2 years ago
#81 ban iron bomber and market gardener for s39 in TF2 General Discussion

eat shit flick

posted about 3 years ago
#19 Med Surfs Thread in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
#5 How long did it take to realize Scout's power? in TF2 General Discussion

2016 thaigrr scout pugs

posted about 3 years ago
#6 Looking for some movie guys :) in Off Topic

I got 2 Swedish and 2 French ones I really enjoyed this last year, I'll include a pic from each film.

Flickorna (The Girls) directed by Mai Zetterling (1968)

A very interesting movie that walks seamlessly between reality and dreams while addressing themes of Marriage, Feminism and Men/Women. When 3 theatre actresses are touring the country performing the ancient greek play "Lysistrate" they find themselves more and more absorbed by the motivations of the characters they portray.


Tystnaden (The Silence) directed by Ingmar Bergman (1963)

A mother, her sister and son find themselves travelling through a war-torn country when they are forced to stop as one of them falls ill, we then get to witness how these 3 characters deal with the environment they find themselves in. A beautiful movie (mainly thanks to one of the greatest cinematographers in history: Sven Nykvist) that touches on subjects such as Family, Isolation and Faith.


Une Femme est Une Femme (A Woman is a Woman) directed by Jean-Luc Godard (1961)

A woman wants a baby. Her husband wants one later. If you haven't watched any Godard yet, this and the other film below are great starters. Godard's movies are very different. You might fall in love with them or you might turn them off 10 minutes in. Using his "muse" Anna Karina (with great help from Jean-Claude Brialy and Jean-Paul Belmondo) Godard seeks to dissect and criticize the medium that is film. This movie is funny, pretty and a great intro to the French New Wave along with Pierrot Le Fou.


Pierrot Le Fou directed by Jean-Luc Godard (1965)

A man is tired of his boring, contemporary lifestyle and opts to run away with a young woman. Another film starring Anna Karina and Jean-Paul Belmondo with vibrant colors, breathtaking shots and clever dialogue. Like in most of his movies, Godard is trying to visually deliver to the audience, his critique of cinema while also side-tracking into themes of War, Aristocracy and Love. This is probably my favorite Godard movie that I've seen so far.


This is my letterboxd but it has nothing to see rn: https://letterboxd.com/klass/

posted about 3 years ago
#44 ETF2L Season 38 and Preseason Cup announced in News
Collaideshould we adjust the map pool and balance maps for the benefit of the top 3 prem teams only?


posted about 3 years ago
#1567 PugChamp in Projects

sniper and engi on reckoner last is incredibly powerful please let me go spy

posted about 3 years ago
#25 Enter The Dojo in News


posted about 3 years ago
#11422 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 3 years ago
#3 Enough is enough. It's 2021 now. in The Dumpster

looks like everyone did grow up

posted about 3 years ago
#11276 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 3 years ago
#1523 PugChamp in Projects
Collaidehowever no third party reported deca in order for admins to take action. thus demonstrating an instance of favoritism.

are you referring to the pug that I played in myself, or something else? As I mentioned previously; if I'm in the pug and I see someone using a slur, depending on the context, I decide whether to ban them or not. Regarding the tomas thing again, with 100% honesty can i not recall having witnessed tomas saying slurs in a pug since I became an admin sometime in 2019 nor has it been reported to me.

posted about 3 years ago
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