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SteamID64 76561198068701334
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Country Australia
Signed Up May 31, 2015
Last Posted May 22, 2016 at 10:15 PM
Posts 23 (0 per day)
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#1 OZF 15 Premier Recap in News

interesting season to say the least, will be cool to see the pre s16 shuffle of teams.

wonder if brut will come back

also well done to gnat and namey for playing off their nuts this season, was great to see.

posted about 8 years ago
#4322 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

why do you get insta downfragged?

your videos are decent with nice clips???

posted about 8 years ago
#111 b4nny v thalash in TF2 General Discussion

I don't really wanna get involved in this because it's not really my thing but

twerpb4nny is it true that kaidus has never shown any "results" in tf2b4nnyHe has never won an international LAN afaik. I think i-series LANs bring the best out of players under maximum pressure. Doesn't mean he's not good, just means he doesn't deserve to be rated as highly as he has been. Come out of retirement and prove me wrong ;)

so like, everyone must perform at their best under maximum pressure? I know I shit the bed if I have so much riding on my performance.

you're almost baiting a guy who is so close to the opposite of you personality wise out of "retirement" because he has an injury and is prioritising getting better over playing, which to anyone is completely logical.

honestly pull your head out of your arse.

posted about 8 years ago
#107 b4nny v thalash in TF2 General Discussion
HatSimulatorI just want the hate to end whether it be b4nny hating others or tftv hating b4nny or people hating any other team. Maybe one day, we will all get along. GG and seeya. Good luck to everyone in the next season and dreamhack

why do you keep posting lol

posted about 8 years ago
#12 ego undergoes major shuffle in News
mustardoverlordljadmustardoverlordgnat is pretty bad
idk how you can say this, like do you honestly think yuki would pick up someone who was anything less than completely deserving of playing for his team?

clearly you haven't seen gnat play or know, like smith said how committed hes been to the game.

I'm glad to see the horde of aussies descend on me for sharing my opinion of a player's skill, knowing nothing about how great of a guy said person is (which is completely irrelevant)

this is the team that went to i49 with antwa, and played with bulk on medic for like a month before the season, it's not like every single decision has been flawless

plus, there are like 0 roamers in au so even if this was the best possible option that doesn't guarantee anything

its not that at all, you posted something which is just completely untrue.

of course it doesn't guarantee everything, but you simply stating "gnat is pretty bad" in your op would naturally result in people saying he isn't.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 ego undergoes major shuffle in News
mustardoverlordgnat is pretty bad

idk how you can say this, like do you honestly think yuki would pick up someone who was anything less than completely deserving of playing for his team?

clearly you haven't seen gnat play or know, like smith said how committed hes been to the game.

posted about 8 years ago
#77 Completely justified bans thread in TF2 General Discussion

There's a player in the OZF community called Nobel_H who makes low-mid level lobbies, and takes it upon himself to report anyone with an "offensive" name, anyone who offclasses for a period of time etc. keep in mind these are normally decent players who he tries to ban, who treat the lobbies he makes as practice to offclass. My favourite is http://forums.tf2center.com/topic/9005-fresh-steam-0091527045/ where he reports fresh, who is a very competent sniper for "ruining" his lobby.

Another one where he brings Australian Law into a thread http://forums.tf2center.com/topic/9020-aiʀflameon-steam-0154674311/?hl=nobel

More threads for a laugh



I don't know what's funnier, him getting all upset about people having fun in the lobbies or how indignant and how pseudo intellectual he acts when writing up a fat ban thread.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 ruwin, clockwork, shrugger, quad povs/demos in TF2 General Discussion


in all honesty i've only just started paying attention to the class within the last two weeks. I'm just relaying what people have told me regarding scout povs I should watch. If they aren't correct feel free to tell me, it would be much appreciated.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 ruwin, clockwork, shrugger, quad povs/demos in TF2 General Discussion

hi all, not sure if this is necessarily the best place to post this, but I've recently changed mains to scout, and I'm struggling a fair bit.

i was speaking to some friends and they all said ruwin, clockwork, shrugger and quad were scouts which were/are incredibly good, ruwin having absolutely amazing movement which is primarily the thing I'd really like to improve.

i was wondering if anyone could help me out by possibly providing some stvs, demos or whatever of them playing. I've found a few of each but I was wondering if anyone actually had some proper stuff for me.

thanks so much

posted about 8 years ago
#93 Confirmed MM Hackers in TF2 General Discussion
tstmyo calm down you'll let the SJW's out

but yea i 100% agree just calling her out and general insults makes her toggle off.

Legitimately don't even understand that mindset

posted about 8 years ago
#91 Confirmed MM Hackers in TF2 General Discussion

triggerbot / aimbotter from australia

Queued up against this bitch today and all you need to do is shit talk her so hard that she tilts in to oblivion and eventually turns off her aimbot and tries to play against you legitimately, and you just end up winning because shes shit anyways. I honestly don't understand that, like why would you get so tilt that you turn off your aimbot? Wouldn't tilting make you want to use it even more lol. I don't understand this idiot.

And fuck that Chase That Feeling faggot who is always pocketing him/her, that's just absolutely gross.

Have you seen what she fucking looks like though? No wonder she's hacking, she's compensating for being one of the most unappealing looking women on the fucking planet.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 ozfortress Summer Cup 2016: Highlights in News
DontMan, this editing can even make AU frags look good ;)




posted about 8 years ago
#19 gossip girl has a makeover in News
flyingbuddyriotbzflyingbuddyriotbzSmithsonianI'm curious as to whether he'll have kept up with the meta well.http://puu.sh/nvB9N/801cba6a67.png
I see you liked the comment as well

I'm sorry ok.
We all make mistakes, like my dad when he made me

why do you keep posting?

posted about 8 years ago
#24 ozfortress season 15 announced with major changes in News

looking forward to this change, hopefully it'll encourage more players to come and play, new and old

posted about 8 years ago
#3976 Frag Clips Thread in Videos
One of my first frag clips ^_^ much more to come.

I normally don't want to shit on people making an effort but... why?!?!?

posted about 8 years ago
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