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Last Posted May 20, 2024 at 10:00 PM
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#5 happy 30th birthday b4nny in TF2 General Discussion

I'm next...

posted 9 months ago
#14 the truth about b4nny in TF2 General Discussion
scratchhSpaceGhostsCoffeefyghow did we let fyg get four nerd starsquantity over quality is fygs strategy

can confirm that this is the meta

posted 10 months ago
#7 which bomb on medic is better in TF2 General Discussion


posted 10 months ago
#163 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion
cereaISetsulcereaIi think accused cheaters should be allowed to prove themselves at lanweird setsul rant
nope not suggesting that the are playing for the chance of an unban just think if they care enough to prove their skill, rgl shouldn't dictate their eligibility to play at lan unless it's a tournament run by them

but if there is a lack of concrete evidence then yea I think it's an interesting idea to use lan as a sort of gladiator's ground

I don't think any non-rgl lan is gonna come out and officially ban eli, but I'd also be very very surprised if he actually played at LAN. I could be overly cynical but I think most of his 'oh yeah dude I'll do whatever it takes to prove I'm legit stuff' was an attempt to skirt a ban, and now that he's been banned again he has no reason do to so.

feel free to prove me wrong, but if the dude has no history of going to LAN it just doesn't feel likely that he's going to start NOW of all times

posted 10 months ago
#151 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion
torrityak404cereaIi think accused cheaters should be allowed to prove themselves at lan
There have been European players (Boomeh) who cheated online and then played just as good, if not better, at lan. Proving yourself at lan doesn't really prove anything if someone has actively been caught cheating.
oh man if only you knew the whole of that story

yeah that one really always baffled me, dude was actually really good

idk some people are just weirdos I guess, like wasnt matnun the same?

posted 10 months ago
#3 RGL S12 Invite 6s Playoffs: #2 Greasy Dothogs vs. #3 THE COVENANT in Events

I am pogging so hard right now!

posted 10 months ago
#117 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion

So uh not to put pressure, but is a verdict coming down tonight?

posted 10 months ago
#35 animal kingdom matchups in Off Topic

I think saam lost weight and I gained weight, ez for me

posted 10 months ago
#86 Announcing the GGL Advanced Playoffs in TF2 General Discussion
plumIf no one trusts the AC team's decisions maybe we should just dissolve it cause what's the point of it then?

Again, I think that betrays some ignorance of the process. I am sure a lot of the reports the AC team get are absolutely blatant, like way more so than elijah, and there still needs to be someone to essentially rubber stamp those bans. The issue comes in high-profile cases like this one.

posted 10 months ago
#32 animal kingdom matchups in Off Topic

Always bet on the significantly heavier animal (unless venom is involved)

posted 10 months ago
#84 Announcing the GGL Advanced Playoffs in TF2 General Discussion

It sucks to say, but the weakness of the AC team now and going forward seems like a pretty intractable problem. There just aren't anywhere near enough people who meet the standards of 1) sufficient knowledge of cheats, 2) ability to remain objective, and 3) enthusiasm for the role (given 90% of the stuff they do probably revolves around random amateur players who aren't sexy to audit).

That camp3r guy's rant may have been unprofessional, as well as very unfairly dismissive of the efforts of the organizing advanced teams (who were, in fact, being proactive and trying to find solutions, like he recommended), but there is a small kernel of truth there, in the sense that the OMG CHEATER XPOSED threads will never fully replace actual AC admins. Like, dippidy could be the absolute best judge of scout cheating, and it wouldn't matter 99% of the time, because I doubt he wants to give up his free time combing through demos of total randos with no personal stake in the outcome.

I'll admit ignorance of whether AC admins are 100% volunteer or if they actually get paid, but if they don't that may need to change in the future. I'm just not sure we'll ever get past the obviously overstretched skeleton crew otherwise.

I do want to add that I sympathize with RGL in terms of timeline/how you triage various AC issues. In theory, if a case of some random lower div player comes up first in the queue, it would be 'fair' to finalize that outcome before doing the elijah case. However, life isn't fair, and the simple truth is that far more people care about a higher div player on an undefeated 1 seed right before playoffs. Allowing a cheater to play in, and very likely win advanced is just a much worse look than some guy on like the 9th place newcomer team or whatever. I think pretty much everyone would support a process by which super high profile cases get prioritized, since the league/community as a whole has more of a stake in the outcome. Then again, it's obviously extra important that the correct decision gets made.

posted 10 months ago
#29 RGL S12 Invite Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Burying the lede there bud

posted 10 months ago
#88 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion
donovinposting since i haven’t seen anyone talk about it:
people weren’t content with showing task manager, monitor cam, handcam, keyboard cam, etc etc.
and it was posted his tf2 files themselves could be injected
he streamed himself uninstalling and reinstalling tf2 and playing his match on no config nothing and put out the same stats as he usually does in a match
just collecting people’s thoughts cause i’m not sure what more he could do besides play at lan to prove himself or what it would take for people to believe him (i’m just interested in peoples thoughts i have no affiliation with elijah)

If this were a real game and not tf2, playing in-person would not be some kind of last resort, it would literally be the first thing elijah did. When pro players in csgo thought ropz (before he went pro) was cheating in faceit, he literally went down to the faceit studio and played live, which pretty much dispelled everything. Have elijah go to dippidy's house and play on his setup! Or, less facetiously, have him play on someone else's setup on LAN. It's onerous, but he'd do it if he really cared about proving his innocence.

posted 10 months ago
#87 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion

As an aside, I wanted to discuss the whole finite vs. permaban thing for cheaters. I actually tend to disagree with some of the hardliners here, and am ok with like a 2-year ban for first offense. Part of that may be believing in the capacity of people to change, especially if they're very young when they cheat; however, I am also sympathetic to the utilitarian idea that banning them benefits not just 1 person, but many.

The more convincing argument for limited bans, however, is that we're talking about subjective reviews done by humans, and not actual VAC/anti-cheat for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I think that the various anti-cheat teams do a great job in being certain before laying down the banhammer (and have definitely improved in the past decade or so; you almost never see scandals about unfair bans anymore). Still, as long as it's humans deciding these things, you will always be 99.9% sure, not 100%.

I think a mechanism by which a hypothetical unfairly banned player can prove how dedicated to competitive they are by coming back and playing legit, with a ton of scrutiny on them, is somewhat reasonable. Like, didn't that happen to a couple of guys in EU, like quad or Beavern? And I know there was rky in AU, but maybe the consensus is he really did cheat earlier- someone with more information on that would need to let me know. Either way, if the person was high-profile the first time around, there's always going to be tons of eyes on them, and if they're still cheating it gets found out pretty quickly (see: this thread).

Like, correct me if I'm wrong, but elijah is still arguing that his FIRST ban was unjust, and he never cheated, right? If i'm wrong about that, let me know, but given his gameplay looks pretty identical to how it did before, I figured that was his argument. Obviously, few of us believe him, but that's his story, and we gave him another chance to prove it. He failed to do so, and now, IF we can once again agree he is cheating for sure, a permaban seems in order.

posted 10 months ago
#54 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion

It may be a bit of an appeal to authority, but it's definitely telling how many scout mains who specifically care about aim theory stuff have come to the same conclusions about this dude. I personally don't know shit about cheats, but as a demo main I was able to tell mxr was autodetting after watching him for maybe 10 minutes. It's pretty easy to tell in a lot of cases when something just feels off/unnatural, even if it's difficult to prove. To my eyes, elijah looks very fishy but not quite as blatant as mxr, but I fully suspect that he looks just as blatant to the aforementioned hitscan aim experts.

posted 10 months ago
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