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Last Posted May 25, 2024 at 10:09 AM
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#59 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
AimIsADickSo why does the german language, for instance, have a grammar if grammars in general were oh so "unnecessary"?

English has a grammar, too. Why German?

To continue in good faith: grammar is not "unnecessary" at all, but subconscious grammatical analysis not the way that we parse speech. Consider as an obvious and simple example that grammatically incorrect phrased are often perfectly intelligible and even become ingrained in our speech (e.g., "me too" in response to "I like riding my bike" is not considered strange and sexually perverse). If you are learning a language that people actually speak, you will notice while listening to a speaker that you can begin to understand them without a full grasp of the syntactical content of their speech. Rather, you pick up on phrases, commonly associated words, and patterns of speech that are the more fundamental basis of verbal communication. Grammar was derived inductively from these patterns, not the other way around, and your notion of grammar as a rigid prescription reflects your bias toward imperialist and nationalist languages and cultures where it has indeed taken on that role. You, as an autistic person, seem to not really like that the "rules" of vernacular speech being mostly guidelines (not unique to English, either) does not interfere with intelligibility, which appears to be the basis for your understanding of what a "beneficial" language entails. Your attraction to a language that was "cooked up in the lab" over any natural language which has been the expression and determinant of a people's collective consciousness for millennia kind of reveals the point brody is trying to make, or maybe you just had a really bad Spanish teacher

posted 5 months ago
#53 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
AimIsADicktoads_tfAimIsADickUh that makes word combination harder not easier, and Esperanto is an international, not just intereuropean, language.
you might also notice you understood exactly what you meant by "intereuropean", even though if you were to semantically break it down like you seem to think is valuable for TF2 comms, you would realize that the word makes no sense. Maybe this context sensitivity also applies to something like "spy scout", a nonsensical phrase per se that makes perfect sense to someone in a TF2 match.

That example wasn't about making sense, it was about distinguishing grammatical elements so that you could appropriately comprehend them.

Either way that isn't relevant to the actual point.

I know what parts of speech are. I am trying to convey to you that knowing about grammatical constructs hardly helps you understand what people are trying to tell you. An illiterate person does not really know what a noun is, while still speaking and understanding English beyond adequately. Likewise, an ESL gamer who likely learned English mostly through immersion (video games, YouTube, TV shows, forums, etc.) will become equally unfazed by "irregularities of English" as an American or Englishman because speech is about conveying meaning and pattern recognition, not about dissecting sentences into grammatical elements. This is especially true of spoken language, where the pronunciation of *ough* or whatever is irrelevant, and where there/their/they're may as well be the same word so long as it sounds right in whatever you're saying. For this reason adopting a more grammatically precise/consistent language makes neither learning the language easier, nor does it provide additional communication capabilities in an environment where most communication involves 1-3 word grunts.

posted 5 months ago
#50 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
AimIsADickUh that makes word combination harder not easier, and Esperanto is an international, not just intereuropean, language.

you might also notice you understood exactly what you meant by "intereuropean", even though if you were to semantically break it down like you seem to think is valuable for TF2 comms, you would realize that the word makes no sense. Maybe this context sensitivity also applies to something like "spy scout", a nonsensical phrase per se that makes perfect sense to someone in a TF2 match.

posted 5 months ago
#46 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster

I do appreciate all of the ESL players staying silent so that there remains an extremely amusing disconnect between this conversation and reality

posted 5 months ago
#45 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
AimIsADickI didn't misinterpret anything here.

Well, none of the calls you provided couldn't be expressed and easily understood in rudimentary English, so it would be easy to interpret what you said as misinterpreting what I said. I think if you had ever played TF2 or learned a language that people actually speak you would probably begin to understand that what you're saying is rather preposterous. Even if Esperanto's grammatical precision were so useful, then we would be using the grammatically precise elements of the English language, but we in fact see the opposite. "Spy enemy" is unclear because it doesn't correspond to any particularly relevant or useful callout, but an equally simple "spy scout" is crystal clear.

AimIsADickAlso, for clarification, there is no "conjugation" system (like Spanish) in Esperanto; you can combine any radical you want (normal, pronoun, preposition, etc.): like "dis'de" and "ŝi'ar'o".

Ah, that bodes well for all of Europe learning this language, forgoing a core feature of Indo-European languages

posted 5 months ago
#37 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster

I don't understand, you've given very simple english callouts with notably more verbose esperanto equivalents, how is the left column meant to be beneficial in any way? You are talking about language as if your brain compiles sentences into x86 or something, the context you are experiencing directly affects your understanding of the sounds you're hearing. It requires a lot less "brain processing" to interpret someone briefly saying "they're kritz" than reciting your favorite daedric shrine "rapiddamaĝarilon Malamiko Uzas" even if the former isn't grammatically correct. English is indeed a flexible language because, among other reasons, you can interchange verbs, adjectives, and nouns and be intelligible; while it would be imprecise in writing compared to a language with strict conjugations, cases, and suffixes, it serves to transfer ideas verbally much faster.

posted 5 months ago
#32 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
AimIsADickSo brody didn't respond once to the above comment, so I'm guessing that they did not study it for any length of time. In that case, it is very hypocritical of you to talk down to me for being arrogant in comp knowledge, but to then not even study Esperanto and arrogantly spread incorrect information about it, not even providing evidence.

Also I linked you sources, multiple times, (this one in particular:

Not only did you utterly BTFO brody in honorable debate, you have single-handedly debunked the 21st century CDC childhood immunization schedule.

posted 5 months ago
#31 Returning back after a year. in TF2 General Discussion
AimIsADicktoads_tfAimIsADickdelete_my_accountwhat did you do during your year long break?Learnt Esperanto and Common Lisp.this is grounds for intervention, i'm calling your parents right away
Whats wrong with Esperanto or Common Lisp?

When I see you have switched from dedicating your time to obscure Team Fortress 2 projects like configs, navmeshes, or crosshairs, to learning Esperanto and Common Lisp, I am reminded of someone like Troy Hurtubise, and it makes me a little bit sad

posted 5 months ago
#20 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster

there's NO WAY you got so upset about people on a tf2 forum complaining about your neologism that you logged off for a year and learned a retarded meme language dude. NO WAY

posted 5 months ago
#17 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
AimIsADickAh yes, the "less demanding" english [1]

im laughing at how a guy who opens his article with being confused why a fruit that looks like a pinecone is called "pineapple", and thinking that "look" and "see" mean the same thing is meant to be an valuable source on the english language

posted 5 months ago
#29 Returning back after a year. in TF2 General Discussion
Rockzthis is how I imagine you

uncalled for

posted 5 months ago
#28 Returning back after a year. in TF2 General Discussion
AimIsADickdelete_my_accountwhat did you do during your year long break?Learnt Esperanto and Common Lisp.

this is grounds for intervention, i'm calling your parents right away

posted 5 months ago
#14 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
AimIsADickSeriously what's wrong with the idea? Esperanto can be is a very efficient language; and I thought comp players love efficiency, especially when English is bloated with exceptions...

Language and communication errors can be detrimental in some games...

can you come up with an example of a comm that can't be expressed and easily understood in rudimentary english?

posted 5 months ago
#5 Returning back after a year. in TF2 General Discussion
AimIsADickTook a break from my account for a year, to just destress. needless to say. I'm sorry I spoke over y'all so arrogantly. I didn't realize gatekeeping was actually important; i was just taught that "gAtEkEepInG iS AlWaYs Bad aNd ExClUsiVe" B.S.

So I think I'mma leave this forum after a day, but not before refreshing my crosshair download links! (use if you have to.)

Welcome back AIAD, I was actually a bit worried about you and am glad to hear you are well.

posted 6 months ago
#4 To Be Thankful in Off Topic

no brockly for the broxter

posted 6 months ago
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