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Signed Up August 2, 2012
Last Posted July 27, 2014 at 2:19 AM
Posts 272 (0.1 per day)
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1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 19
#43 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
DeetrLooks like YaHud's "Red" to me so if that's the HUD you're using you could try changing its RGB in ClientScheme.res (the line is
"Red"                   "224 11 115 255"         //Red team

It's missing a texture file.

posted about 9 years ago
#38 mixHUD by Tommy in Customization

This is from the old team indicator in yahud. You can edit some stuff in HudPlayerClass.res or switch to the 3D mode. (Or create a neat little triangle texture using something like the vtf plugin for Paint.net)

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Changing A Custom HUDs Background Image in Customization

You can also just edit one of the BGs, such as "background_upward" and then put a "ChapterBackgrounds.txt" file into your / custom / [any folder name] / scripts / folder

This is what the file should contain:

	1	"background_upward"
	2	"background_upward"
	3	"background_upward"
	4	"background_upward"
	1	"background_upward"
	2	"background_upward"
	3	"background_upward"
	4	"background_upward"

Saves disk space and makes it easier to change it in the future.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 HUD Editing Questions in Customization

1: Pretty sure it would be the SourceScheme.res (which affects stuff like the server browser, demoui and netgraph), but I don't know if you can change the color.

2: HudObjectiveTimePanel.res (you can look here in the future)

posted about 10 years ago
#7 ZimHUD in Customization

I think you should skip the weird remake of couture (or else lagerfeld will haunt you) and just use novecento or your other sans for the main menu.

Oh and for the server time limit: the font is numbers only so that it removes the "NO TIME LIMIT" and so that it works with all languages. You can remove the remaining ":" with textinsetx.

posted about 10 years ago
#793 yahud in Customization
posted about 10 years ago
#788 yahud in Customization
posted about 10 years ago
#18 kA_hud in Customization
AndKennethAzraxjust saying but there's still [unknown] showing up on the item show panels and also the 6s scoreboard is messed up (bottom part)
Screenshots please?

You need to delete the entire "attriblabel" in the spec and item panel .res files. Just do a global search for that term in a text editor.

posted about 10 years ago
#767 yahud in Customization
NickI just want the pipboy update (as i don't want to retweak everything i changed), whereabouts is it located? ty

Located in /resource/ui and then build and destroy menus. It will probably not work since I've changed font and color definitions in the new version.

RRPdid i break something while installing cx or is the targetID when healing missing by default?

Works fine for me.

posted about 10 years ago
#755 yahud in Customization
The dropshadow of ammoinclip and ammonoclip don't match the hp's shadow.

They both have the exact same offset (1 xpos, 1 ypos) and same "tall" values, there's a limit to how precise you can position things in TF2 and sometimes TF2 does math in weird ways.
I added 1 point to the "tall" value of the current clip to compensate, but I can't do much more than that.

posted about 10 years ago
#751 yahud in Customization
jakeowatyI think everyone is here for the old font.

Again, it's most likely not gonna happen, I had to re-position everything when I did the new version, so it would require almost the same amount of work to add the option back in. There were issues with font cut-offs on top of that (at certain resolutions).
The only thing that might happen in the future is that I will create some sort of custom numeral font (without the overshoot on 6,7,9 & with a different 1) that futura numerals have) for the HUD, but it's not very likely.

In other news: I am currently working on this: http://imgur.com/a/avjbJ
It's a bit closer to the original version of yahud. I still need to do a bit of work on it, but it's almost done.

posted about 10 years ago
#748 yahud in Customization
Kanecohanbrolokaneco, if you do all of this correctly there shouldn't be any problems.
The thing is, yahud already has a lot of embed crosshairs from other huds, and it worked fine in the all the old versions I used, only not now

You'll need to make new entries in the clientscheme most likely. I plan on cleaning up the crosshairs a bit (and adding more to my own crosshair font to compensate).

Added a black box version (just like old times) to the cmyk versions:


posted about 10 years ago
#743 yahud in Customization
NamelesssI don't know if this is intentional but why is the info about your weapon so dark?

Example - (img)

Just uploaded a fix 2hrs ago, not sure what caused it though. I simply re-did the file and it was fine afterwards.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 HUD Ammo Problem in Q/A Help

Just look at the default file, it's set to "visible" "0" everywhere.


posted about 10 years ago
#2 HUD Ammo Problem in Q/A Help

Set "visible" to 0, it will still show when needed.

posted about 10 years ago
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