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Last Posted May 2, 2024 at 6:17 AM
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#11 The Fireside Cup Powered with EssentialsTF announced in News

How will ringers and scheduling be handled, the site only allowed six names to be added to a roster but if it’s two weeks Monday through Thursday each day I’ll need to find ringers for certain days

posted 1 day ago
#8 The Fireside Cup Powered with EssentialsTF announced in News

Not sure I’m a fan of the alternative format but it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out, signed my team up just now

posted 1 day ago
#5 heavy to mid in TF2 General Discussion

If teams are passive on snake water it can be pretty good bc it’s easy to hide around the corner and not get spammed (as shown in the 7 game above, muma ran it in adv playoffs and it worked too altho he also made spy to mid work so idk what you can take away from that)

posted 1 week ago
#16 RGL 6s Season 15 - Map Pool, Season Changes, Final in TF2 General Discussion

do the euros even play reckoned I don’t get why it’s in the rotation all of a sudden lol

give us back viaduct man the first season yall said “we’re going to rotate between the three koth maps!” I said it was bullshit to ever not have via in and look what we have here they swept the rug out from under us and now I haven’t played the map in years bc it’s always removed

swapping maps out of the rotation pretty much always leaves them dead, be it because players forget about it and move on, or because RGL won’t seriously consider adding them back (blands/gran, or the new maps like villa or sultry that get voted out once and then never return), don’t let them remove any other maps we like or it’ll be the same story

also why is it alternate maps for main / IM only idk why u guys do so much conditional changing of the map rotation based on div, might as well let us all use the alternate maps if we want

posted 1 week ago
#2 SuperZAZA Bomb LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)

they changed their tag from Z6 to ZAZA but ill forgive them they were homies to play with

fireball is a goated lan DJ u will not regret

posted 2 weeks ago
#55 ban the lochnload next szn in TF2 General Discussion

Feel like a crit ball changing a fight is similar to a med hitting a crazy arrow or demo hitting a crazy pipe it doesn’t instantly kill someone but can turn the fight in your favor. Something being a direct upgrade or having clutch potential doesn’t necessarily mean it makes the game less fun, arrows are a perfect example of that. If people feel like flank scouts are having too much impact with it and it’s significantly changing the meta / making the game unfun then banning makes sense, until then it seems premature (whereas the mg and lnl arguably do satisfy these conditions)

posted 3 weeks ago
#49 ban the lochnload next szn in TF2 General Discussion
SOOOOOAPYMEISTERbuud i dont see how tftv thread will solve anything, surely you guys have a way of talking to the admin team or something, its not like this is the NBA or something.this stuff actually does get talked about with the admins, usually a meeting with the admins and invite players occur at the end of each season. the problem stems from players being reluctant to show up to those meetings. threads like aren't bad, in fact id say its good because it brings discussion. (PSA if youre an invite player, attend the meetings!)

wrap assassin is another item i think needs to be banned, crit balling is so broken and theirs no risk involved, obviously similar things and can be about LNL. in my opinion, thats what separates weapons like LNL and wrap assassin from the spoon.

soapy is just salty he got outplayed in this clip

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ok obviously this is very silly lol it shouldn't stack and as much fun as it is to play with yosh and see him hit crazy shots with it, he swaps to basher on last if need be and there's pretty much no downside
not sure if it needs to be banned tho it doesn't seem to affect the game that much, maybe if everyone started to run it and abuse it tho (hard to judge when it hasn't widely been used)
posted 3 weeks ago
#52 RGL: Reiterating AC Policies in TF2 General Discussion

this has been posted before but @exa just post on tftv dude nobody reads your forums, at the very least just mirror major announcements, it's the very least you can do (or at least have some person from RGL mirror the posts and actually read the forums here, a community league should not be completely disconnected with the community like this)

it is a little sad that we let sigafoo let us all play in a league run by highlander players which clearly is very mismanaged probably in no small part due to the fact that the communities and priorities are totally different (RGL trying to recruit pubbers to play highlander, supporting no restriction/alternative gamemodes, etc.)

posted 3 weeks ago
#26 ban the lochnload next szn in TF2 General Discussion

i havent cared to play invite in years but definitely am not jealous of medics these days who have to deal with both loch n load and market gardener lol (and 60+ minute halfs with no pause for halftime / golden cap, so much endurance just to slip up once and take -195 or catch a hitscan pipe then it's gg)

posted 4 weeks ago
#7 sickest intentional edgebugs in TF2 General Discussion

goofy ass video from 8 years ago but pretty lucky edgebug and sync kill lol


also pretty sure that’s a surf not an edgebug but very impressive (snake is good for that you can do it on last too

posted 1 month ago
#14 bo5 w/ map advantage in TF2 General Discussion

unrelated but cant lie its pretty depressing that we just permanently removed half times / golden cap, some of the best games had teams adjust in half time or for golden cap, having it all be a marathon is much less interesting for viewers as well as harder on the players (I played a 70 minute match on lan lol), you can say 'just tac pause!' but that's not the same.

for viewers it's nice to look at stats and discuss after a halftime or before golden cap, and IMO the extra pressure for a team to adjust and discuss before readying up again makes it much more interesting (obviously more maps have a similar effect, but the current format just feels like a glorified pug lol)

the ability for losing team to always come back is great, but we can still have that win condition, but have a half time once the 30 mins runs out (it also means you have actual incentives and hype last second pushes--everyone remembers the granary match at iseries where it was capped at the literal last second)

just feels weird that this was slipped in along with the other format changes without much thought or discussion, are there any other esports or sports that do this type of no halfitme format? i think the concept of giving players a break at half time or before overtime should apply in esports as well, even though it's not as important as say football, where you can't expect them to play for 3 hours straight

posted 1 month ago
#23 if u could bring back 1 thing from old TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Lucky for you guys pretty much all of the things mentioned here are still possible with tf2classic… not to mention ctf_4fort or 4 team hydro

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(seriously tho it’s so much fun sandblast plays it and streams it, we gotta get more tf2 ppl to play it)
buttercuppre nerf stickerbombsSwedenThe whole pub system before casual existedJynxiino iron bomberSnackrevert scout speed buff for medicmessiaharena servers
posted 1 month ago
#29 Map design in TF2 General Discussion

people have posted this before but why limit koth to 2 maps, including viaduct for 3 total wouldn’t be a huge difference (im also just sad that via was gone in the last 2 or 3 seasons I’ve played in, such a classic map but i guess ppl don’t like the sniper angles or prefer clearcut somehow)

another idea is what about trying to swap metalworks for granary for a season, they’re both chokey soldier maps but (besides invite) we haven’t gotten to play gran in eons, at least as far as i know

seems like they’re likely going to just continue to do it by the raw numbers based on post-season polls though, but we did get them to do a 6 week season so maybe it’s possible to try other new things

posted 1 month ago
#23 Most influential/pioneering TF2 player in TF2 General Discussion

mangachu was doing meme spoon shit way back in the day i feel like before dd5f, also known for hiding in corners/wacky plays (Pete known for corners too lol sneaky pete)

ima give it up to indust for being the first med to be widely known for having sick mechanics, seeing him play def inspired me and im sure plenty of other ppl to actually practice mge and jump maps/surfs and shit to get better at med

not really influential cuz nobody else does it but u could say that sigh running shotgun pocket in current era is 'pioneering' to some extent just in that its totally different from what everyone else does

feel like the real test is empirically how often people mention their names, like when people say things like a "banny scout", "sandblast uber", "ma3la bomb" (metalworks), "lolguy milk", "that was some clockwork shit", etc. it at least means they have a well known / distinct playstyle, or some really important clutch plays that everyone remembers (e.g., harbleu snakewater clutch)

posted 1 month ago
#130 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

spamming this thread sry but plz make an option to only make noise when you need to ready up, even changing the annoying ass gottfried voice (which shouldn't be the default LOL) you still get spammed with unnecessary info like what team and class you got picked on, i muted it cuz it was too many alerts but then missed a game i added up for

other pug sites (tf2center, tf2lobby, pugchamp, pugme) all had this figured out, really don't understand why so many things are done differently / made overcomplicated

should have a pre ready option as well (tf2center has 2.5 mins i think, pugchamp had a 5 minute pre ready)

posted 1 month ago
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