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SteamID64 76561198059645150
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Country United States
Signed Up March 12, 2013
Last Posted May 28, 2024 at 9:03 PM
Posts 3814 (0.9 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.88
Windows Sensitivity stock
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse zowie za11
Keyboard quickfire tk mx blue
Mousepad puretrak talent
Headphones grado sr225i
Monitor asus vg248qe
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#8 How to get better at demo/solly in TF2 General Discussion

Good tip ^ Will try. Thank you guys.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 How to get better at demo/solly in TF2 General Discussion

So just go in and get my ass kicked?

posted about 11 years ago
#1 How to get better at demo/solly in TF2 General Discussion

So I main medic and engi (medic in 6s and play HL engi), but I'd like to try getting better at demo and solly. I've been practicing rollouts and stuff, but I'm not sure what I should do, I feel like if I join a pug I'll get destroyed/complained to by my team. Also been going mge but I feel like that doesn't really help, after a certain point.
So should I just join a lobby or pug or something saying I suck at the class, and just go for it? Newbie mix? I don't really know what I should do
edit guess il just go and practice more and try some pugs and shit

posted about 11 years ago
#128 recent purchases thread in Off Topic

Gtx 660 ti C:

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Mumble Overlay Thread in Off Topic

Threads, for some reason my overlay is broken. Only have one monitor so I'd have to alt tab out. I'm assuming they have custom overlays?

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Frag Clips in TF2 General Discussion

Get your own or download siN's. Stop bumping it

posted about 11 years ago
#30 Newbie Mixes in Events
reillybearodactylIf you're that new to the game just do pugs and maybe lobbies. No point in clogging up the newbie mixes or pugs...What.

The whole point of newbie mixes or for completely new, or close to completely new people to come learn how to play. If you're any more than that, you should be playing pugs, not newbie mixes.

PUBS. I can't spell. I meant to say just play pubs and get better at the game. I think if you're trying to get into competitive do newbie mixes but if you're totally new to the game you shouldn't do it, practice on mge or dm, or just normal pubs. My point is that you should practice on normal servers, its stupid to just have a bunch of f2ps who can't even do well on public servers trying to do newbie mixes.

posted about 11 years ago
#27 Newbie Mixes in Events

If you're that new to the game just practice on pubs (or dm/mge) and maybe lobbies. No point in clogging up the newbie mixes if you're really just new to the game. It should be for learning competitive, not just noobs who think they might later want to get into it.
edit: i cant spell

posted about 11 years ago
#37 any recommendations on parts for a new desktop? in Hardware
BEARTATObearodactyl please read the posts before you start spewing shit out of your mouth. You came into the thread, didn't read shit, and spammed 5 posts with bad advice.Goddamn kid he said before you asked what he wanted to play on his new build(not tf2), he said he didn't want to overclock, and he said he lives in Hawaii and 2 minutes of googleing would have revealed that there isn't any micro centers within 2000 miles of those islands. And for the love of god take 'lolz' and 'lmao' out of your posts. Fox please don't listen to this kid, almost everything hes said has been dumb.

As to your latest parts list, it looks pretty good to me. The only thing that worries me at first glance is the power supply, being kinda off brand and non-reputable, but the reviews for that particular one look great, go for it.
By the way the processor your getting is the 'K' version of the 3770, which just means that this chip can be overclocked. If your really sure that you aren't going to overclock ever, you can get the normal 3770 and save $20-$50.

Why would you spend 2k on a pc and not bother to overclock it? A 680 is one of the biggest wastes of money you could get, a 7970 or even a 7950 would be faster. Hell you could get two of these 7950s for the same price.
For psu go with a seasonic, especially since you're ready to dish out $120 on a no name brand one that's only 80 plus. This one is pretty good with 750w 80+ gold fully modular.

But I guess you don't have to crossfire (micro stuttering, even though its really not a big issue anymore), so than a 900w psu is going to be way overkill. If you need to make a build in 3 years that needs that much power (which it won't since things are getting more power efficient, not the opposite), its more than likely that the technology will become cheaper (like most things in computer hardware). Future proofing your system is stupid. Build it for what you actually need right now, not in a few years. Watch linus' video on it if you don't believe me.. it's just a stupid idea.
The only advantage the 3770k has over the 3570k (which would even still be dumb for you if you're not OCing, get the cheaper non K version) is that it has hyper threading which mainly just helps in video editing and multi threaded programs. For general gaming it won't make much of a difference at all. Definitely not worth the extra $100 you're spending on it...

16gb of ram is overkill unless video editing, or for some reason playing 10 games at once. The only reason to even spend $2000 on a pc like this is if you NEED to play in ultra settings on all of these games on multi monitors. A 7870 with a phenom ii 955 would be able to play any of those games (bioshock, guild wars, etc) fine. Those aren't even very graphics intensive games. Do you need to have 80-90 frames per second in games? Is that worth it to you over say 40-50? The most price efficient price (based on testing, read the tomshardware articles system builder marathon articles, which compare the performance of different price range builds, $600, $800 and $100 and the best value was the $800.,3440.html) is $800 approx. For $2000 you're really not getting much more performance for your money.

again the DOA gpus is not because the company amd did anything wrong, that has to do with the manufacturer (msi, asus, gigabyte, etc) or the vendor (newegg, amazon, etc.).
Do you have a 120hz monitor to be able to view all of this at? If not than you definitely shouldn't need a 680, unless you're doing 3 monitors at 60hz.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 How to defend Badwater last in TF2 General Discussion

Wait i thought all those fov things could allow you to do wallhax and crazy shit like see behind yourself. I'm going tostick with the stock 90 degrees that looks sketchy.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Stuttering while streaming in Off Topic

thx :)

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Software Throttling TF2? in Q/A Help

Lol ^

posted about 11 years ago
#33 any recommendations on parts for a new desktop? in Hardware

Go to micro center to get the 3770k for $230 instead of $300+. Much better deal. Also, the fact that you got a DOA card doesn't mean anything. Usually that's just the vendor's fault. For example I bought a msi 660 ti from newegg and it was DOA, but ordering the same card from amazon it was fine. Not that newegg is a bad company, but apparently amazons version of the packaging was better•
That case is such a waste of money lmao, $160 for a case lolz. but whatever your choice.
But 680 + 3770k will be pretty nice, though a 8350 + 7970 would be much better especially when you started streaming and such.

but whatever, waste your money. Lolz. A $800 build would work just fine, even a $500 one.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Google Fiber in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#9 Stuttering while streaming in Off Topic

How do you even disable aero? I know my razr game booster automatically did it in some games, but I'd like to permanently do it.

posted about 11 years ago
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