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SteamID64 76561198059645150
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:49689711
Country United States
Signed Up March 12, 2013
Last Posted May 28, 2024 at 9:03 PM
Posts 3814 (0.9 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.88
Windows Sensitivity stock
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse zowie za11
Keyboard quickfire tk mx blue
Mousepad puretrak talent
Headphones grado sr225i
Monitor asus vg248qe
1 ⋅⋅ 250 251 252 253
#10 Looking for a good medic script/cfg and hud in TF2 General Discussion
hoolibearodactylOh, I've also heard of people using scripts to like mask the calls and make team chat things saying 'uber masked' or 'uber faked' 'uber heady' etc. How would I do that?
alias maskuber "voicemenu 0 0;say_team ": FULLY CHARGED :""
alias fakeuber "voicemenu 1 7;say_team ": FAKE :""
bind x maskuber
bind c fakeuber
Here's a forward/back spawn script for medic. I haven't tested it but it should work.
alias +spawn "join_class random"
alias -spawn "join_class medic"
bind x +spawn

That forward back spawn one looks awesome, never thought you could do that. Nice.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Looking for a good medic script/cfg and hud in TF2 General Discussion

Oh yeah I guess I could just use the call for medic button. I binded "E" to be last weapon and "Q" to be call for med but I alwasy do z+1 for medic since I can never reach the Q key (IDK my hands aren't used to hitting it. I'm weird). Could I bind say "r" to repeat the call like 10 times a second to annoy the hell out of people?

posted about 11 years ago
#7 broesel's Medic Movie Hud Playable in TF2 General Discussion

medic movie hud? wat?

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Looking for a good medic script/cfg and hud in TF2 General Discussion

Oh, I've also heard of people using scripts to like mask the calls and make team chat things saying 'uber masked' or 'uber faked' 'uber heady' etc. How would I do that?

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Looking for a good medic script/cfg and hud in TF2 General Discussion
alias autocall_initial "hud_medicautocallersthreshold "50""
alias autocall_temp "hud_medicautocallersthreshold "150""
alias +autocall_temp_hit "autocall_temp"
alias -autocall_temp_hit "autocall_initial"
bind x +autocall_temp_hit
Absolutely essential, it makes it so that your whole team autocalls whether they're hurt or not. Borderline wallhacks, spam the hell out of this one. I'd bind it to my movement keys but I can see the beeping to be annoying, anyone know how to get rid of that?

Also here's the uber-with-any-weapon-out script.
alias +charge "+attack2;slot2;dropitem;say_team ": UBERKRITZ :";voicemenu 0 0;autocall_initial;spec_prev"
alias -charge "-attack2"
bind mouse2 +charge

LOL. That's genius, so that they automatically display that bubble thing above their head? Wow that's great haha. Anything else? I'm kind of just thinking of downloading pyyyour's cfg or something to see what they have.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Bearodactyl - medic lft 6s steel in Recruitment (looking for team)

Lft 6s steel team to play as medic for.
I have 2400 hours on tf2 (more since I reset it a few times) and have experience pugging and lobbying but it will be my first competitive season. Feel free to add me to talk.
I have a mentor who's been teaching me how to improve my positioning and game sense and stuff like that.

I live in boston, mass and have good internet (<100 ping anywhere in US). I have school on weekdays but can play at night (up until maybe 11 o clock, since I have to wake up at 6am :L). If it matters im 15 years old and am not a raging 12 year old f2p. Lol

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Looking for a good medic script/cfg and hud in TF2 General Discussion

I basically use stock medic with the omp hud, but I'd like to know what other people use. Are there any good scripts? I've heard of one that makes the ubercharge pop with M2 no matter what weapon you're on, and hitting another mouse button will automatically switch to mele and fire it, or to the medibeam and fire/use it. It'd be cool if there was some unified medic competitive script or something. Or maybe I'm just stupid and lazy, either way.

But basically what scripts and hud do you guys use? Any available to download=?

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Help with fps spikes/issues in Q/A Help

Ok, thanks. I'll try out his maxfps config to see if that helps it. The new gpu works great for crysis (60fps 90% of the time) and other games, but I guess tf2 just isnt optimized well enough.
I'll try OCing it to see if that helps it.

Also, when I'm on a map like koth_arctic (causes a ton of lag problems with people I've heard) at the middle, my fps tends to drop below 60 and go up and down, but then when I'm at the spawn or in the tunnels it goes up super high to like 300. The gpu usage is at like 30% so I guess the cpu is bottlenecking. But thanks :)

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Help with fps spikes/issues in Q/A Help

What settings/configs do you guys use?

My system specs are as follows
Amd phenom ii 830 2.8ghz
Nvidia gtx660 ti
12gb 1600mhz ram

I get great preformance out of other games but tf2 is a bitch and fps goes everywhere. I've tried chris's fps config (as well as the tf2mate one) and it helped with my old gpu, but now during gameplay its at only 30% so I don't feel I need it anymore. I'm sure there are some console commands or conpetitive cfgs that I don't know about that will make it better. Of course the cpu will bottleneck in more demanding games like crysis but it should be ok with tf2 right?

I've been watching peoples streams on twitch (eg and they are incredibly smooth and good looking.

Actually while I'm on the topic, I need some help with scripts as well. I installed a medic autoheal script but it forces me to take the beam off and stop healing before I switch targets which is absolutely stupid when I could just do that without the script. Could anyone link me to a good medic script for that? I'd really appreciate it.

posted about 11 years ago
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